Showing posts from June, 2011
" Can You Hear Them Coming "
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14515.1 Good Morning To Our "OOB" Family What a great day to be alive Remember something I've been saying to all of you many many times since we've been together ? " Can You Hear Them Coming " Well it just came to me today that the realization of it all has come true. They are coming and there will be many more rumbling over the hills and through the valleys searching for a safe place to call home. Look around at all of the new members and with every beat of your heart you sense the love we share so freely And they are giving back that love by allowing us to be a part of their lives and posting their journeys without hesitation. You all know why? Because we are real and we are truthsayers and we are dragonslayers, they are coming because they want the love and compassion we share. Wow what a beautiful day, we are blessed because hope has been rekindled The spark has been ignited for people searching for something they've never had before, and that is the...
Hep C Out Of Bounds & " MANOWAR "
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Listen to the fight songs and be ready for battle " Hep C Out Of Bounds " We have so many new members and we are so excited to be the cutting edge for all Hepatitis C Websites online in the world Come check out the cream of the crop, you'll be glad you did With Love Kat & "OOB" " MANOWAR " Has Our Fight Songs We Bring " The WAR To The Dragon " We never wait for it to come to us Everyone has the right to get free or assistance in getting the triple dose treatment to save their lives Contact your Senators and make them work for us like they are supposed to Leave No Soldier Behind Just because they cannot afford the very expensive treatments necessary Raise The Roof The Time Is Now
The Best WARRIORS " Chuck "
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Good morning my friends, I hope all is well with you. Still fighting the government for benefits for my wife’s ex. Funny thing is, he’s entitled to those benefits. But I think we all know how swiftly our government can work at times. But at least I know that it will eventually be resolved. It just takes patience and a strong desire to complete the task at hand. As with so many things in life, so long as we never give up then we’re making progress. It’s when the mind gives in to the negative aspects of a given chore that we lose hope. And once we lose hope, the entire battle could be lost. That’s why it’s so important that we keep the light on here at OOB. We never know when a wayward traveler on the journey of life might pop in and need us. You never know when one’s hope might be disintegrating as the trials of hepatitis overwhelm them and leave them wondering how they will ever make it. We just don’t know when someone might need us because they feel so alone in a world that has formed...
Take A Journey On The Triple TX Train
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We are very pleased to announce a wonderful hep c advocate that has now joined our family in "Hep C Out Of Bounds" BradlyBones is a man with the new plan to help you prepare for that battle of your life with the newest top treatments eradicating the Hep C Virus for as much as 80% of people fighting the virus for the first time. He has his own following of hundreds of people that know it is going to be the most important time in their lives to rid their bodies of the hep c virus forever. It Is Called "The Triple Treatment Train" For anyone affected by hepatitis c this is the best possible way to get yourself in gear to beat the virus before it destroys another cell in your body Do not wait when you find out you are carrying the virus Telaprevir-Ribavirin-and Interferon will kill the virus in 80% of the people diagnosed in less than half the time it took before resulting in much easier side effects throughout Come to "Hep C Out Of Bounds" Babyboomers are bei...
" The Letter From My Father "
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14437. Clicking this thread number will bring you home I found this letter from my father in my folders, I'm not sure if it has been shared before so here goes one of the best letter ever written. To all of the wonderful people in our lives family...at home and in our Hepatitis C Out Of Bounds" home We Love You A time comes in your life when you finally get it...when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out - ENOUGH! Enough fighting and crying or struggling to hold on. And, like a child quieting down after a blind tantrum, your sobs begin to subside, you shudder once or twice, you blink back your tears and begin to look at the world through new eyes. This is your awakening. You realize it's time to stop hoping and waiting for something to change or for happiness, safety and security to come galloping over the next horizon. You come to terms with the...
Laughing In The Face Of The Hepatitis C Dragon
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Wonderful news about Telaprevir the oral protease inhibitor the Hep C Dragon will soon be irradicated from the earth, and that is the one thing we as hep c sufferers have been waiting for many years. Educating people and empowering them to excel in life along the way, is a huge part of our "Hep C Out Of Bounds" goal and initiative for a better world. We believe in helping anyone that needs our expertise in managing the side effects and the mind blowing effects of the chemotherapy which is the only way to kill the active virus. Some websites claim that herbal remedies and voo doo concoctions can help your liver destroy this disease, beware of them, they are scams to entrap you into their own sales pyramids. God knows there are many websites that use people's illness to get rich from, non profits are exactly the opposite of their meaning, these people are claiming millions of dollars for themselves, and only a smidgen of this money is actually used to help people they must ...
Chuck is "OOB"'s Heart and Soul
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14398.1 Good morning OOB, I hope all is well with you! We’ve finally had some summer days here in our valley. But along with it, we get an inversion that’s dropping all kinds of smoke from a wild fire into this valley. I can hardly see the peaks through it. Just one of the little annoyances we get for deciding to live in a mountain valley! There’s always the good and the bad points in everything we do in life. The hope is always that the good outweighs the bad. But it’s kind of a balance of life that we all seem to encounter in this world. If we didn’t have the negative side of things then how could we appreciate the positive? In fact, the world might just be kind of boring if everything were perfect. This is because our minds are geared to look for challenges and to seek the best solutions to these challenges. If there were no challenges in our lives then I think we would begin to look for them. It’s just the nature of us humans I think. But it’s what we do to achieve our goals that ...
The New Way Of Helping Others
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"AAA Hepatitis C Out Of Bounds" A+ Hepatitis C Online Support Delphi Forums/Health and wellness come in 2011 and learnthe newest way to battle the virus with positive humor and attitudes ! Hepatitis"Yahoo Hep C Out Of Bounds" Delphi Forums Health and Wellness "Hepatits C Support Groups" Hepatitis C Chat Rooms" "Hepatitis C Out Of Bounds" Delphi Forums " The "OOB Comedy Room" Mozilla Firefox "Hep C Out Of Bounds" Delphi Forums Health and Wellness Bing "Hep C Out Of Bounds" Delphi Forums Health and Wellness "Google Hep C Out Of Bounds"Delphi Forums Health And Wellness F acebook Kat K Kerr "Hep C Out Of Bounds"Delphi Forums Health And Wellness Ask.com"Hep C Out Of Bounds"Delphi Forums Health And Wellness Hepatitisdoctor.com "Hep C Out Of Bounds" Email me Fadedjeenz@gmail.com I Am The One with the "OOB" Experience "Hepatitis C Out Of Bounds" Kathi
"OOB" The Best Side Effect For Hep C In The World
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Welcome to join our Family "Google Hep C Out Of Bounds" And prepare yourselves physically and mentally for the most important treatment against hepatitis c We might not be the largest but I know we are the best , shop around there are many informative places to visit , but when you want to find a home come find people that truly care about your well being before during and after treatment we use our own experiences to help you get the most out of this life changing and life threatening virus we can help you We do it with passion and determination Chemotherapy is hard on people and being together with family eases the pain with our love for everyone sharing the planet ! Next time you read about the harsh side effects remember this "Hep C Out Of Bounds" Is...