Dry Eyes... erase my tears with your perverse chemistry\\\\\\take me back to when I could cry rivers for something real, a lost puppy, a kitten I couldn't keep, a love I couldn't save the heart song to keep them, I want to cry real tears!! I am angry and want to shout off the mountains, bring me home, I SAID BRING me home, where I can be just a girl... a regular girl, small viruses don't exist there....neither does cancer or mean people. all those things will go into the sealed box of never look back and shut up and stop running my life You will go into this box, be locked and no key will ever let you out! No the fairies sang no, no, no, hush wee little thing you aren't ever going to be that simple, nor are your friends. You have looked into the eyes of darkness, you have known the ones who have the sword and fight hard the dragon, no you little one will grow strong as a warrior child, and you will fight away the tears, you will love ...