Good morning my friends, I hope your week went well. I did something rather unusual yesterday. I put up a fence to expand my garden for the upcoming spring. That’s right, in the middle of January, I’m putting up a fence! I’m sure my neighbors thought I was nuts, especially since I had to dig through a snow drift just to get it set up. Good thing the panels were pre made! You know what was cool? I actually enjoyed it very much. It put my mind in a wonderful place full of flowers and green things filled with life even as I worked on what is now a deceptively barren landscape. I saw the things that would be growing there and it was a wonderful image to project in my minds eye. My wife smiled as I set up my plans for this new and amazing garden that lived alone in my mind. To me in a way, it was so real! I could almost smell those flowers and taste the very vegetables that I hadn’t yet planted. Life was s...