So I crawl out of my hole this Am to be buried in drifts of whiteness, so much wind your face stung just to shovel five feet through a five foot drift, hey this is New England, we are proud of our toughness, passed down from generations of rebels, many who started the itch that began the revolution! And we stand on the cusp of a new revolution, one to create fairness in healthcare, equal care for all, not just the rich, or the very poor, just the sick and the equal, as we are all equal.....whether its Hepc or another battle, the treatment of all is not a varying standard anyone fair minded person can accept unless its the same for all. Many have to wait months or years to get seen, one might think its conspiratorial , waiting for the dreaded low life to die for lack of funding and yet the CEO's are making so many millions of dollars to sign some papers. Perhaps they are smart? Perhaps lucky, I don't really know. I am certain there is a great deal of unfairness in ...