
Showing posts from June, 2018

Oldhair The Wiseman

OOB D.O.S. Saturday 06/23/18 Top of the morning' to ya'. I'm banking most will read in the a.m., also just trying another opening. Over the years I've played a little game with myself, trying to have a different salutation every week for you. Frankly it's getting more challenging every week and I'm about fresh out of new ones, either that or start getting really off the wall. Don't want to confuse anyone. It's now the second longest day of the year. We lost a whopping 59 seconds and today isn't quite so cloudy. Almost 11 and still plenty light out. On a really clear night, we've walked to Eathquake Park to catch the sunset. Picture a clear view of Denali and Foraker and surrounding peaks with both the last light of sunset shining on the western slopes and the light of sunrise catching the eastern side. For just a couple of nights one can see both sunrise and sunset at the same time. If it's not cloudy out-then a...