Lou Founder Of Hep C Out Of Bounds . Org

My name is Lou. I started HepC Out of Bounds about three years ago. Shortly there after Kat joined me as the Co-host and that is how it has been ever since. I had HepC, geno 2b, treated for 24 weeks and achieved SVR and have been clear ever since. I run a large HepC support group in Massachusetts which many forum members here are also a member of. I sit on the board of the Hepatitis C Coalition of Massachusetts, an advisory board and a couple other HepC related entities.
I am very active in HepC Advocacy and that is how I spend most of my free time, and I love it. I live in central Mass, I am 49 years young and believe I will be alive when a vaccine for HepC is created. I hate the dragon and have dedicated my life to stopping the virus. He picked a fight with me and I will never forgive the bastard. However I am a realist and believe I know what this will take. It is a long road.
Welcome to OOB! Who are you? Lou, Co-host of OOB.org

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