
Showing posts from November, 2007

Sharing My Experience With You

A lot of you have known me for years, I have been learning and listening to you since 2003, I have TX'd 6 times, and was either a non responder, a relapser,or considered by some as even a TX junkie ! lol Well as of Friday I am officially 9 months SVR post TX. My 6th TX was INFERGEN Daily 700 days 700 shots . I was taken off due to complications and in March of 2007 I was told I relapsed. Friday's news was the March PCR test was a false positive. That means I am now 9 months undetected. The shock is still sinking in, but somehow I felt all along I would be healed, I asked then I thanked God everyday. I was an 11 meld score and now only a 7. All labs ast alt's are in the normal range. I am living proof that the dragon can be slain, I am living proof that if you never give up your chances of winning are greatly improved. I want to help anyone I can to make it through TX. I realize for many it isn't possible, but I also know with an experienced person to share with makes al...

Words of Wisdom (From Chuck)

And yes, as we continue on our journey there seems to be times when it is like life is working against us as we fight our way to the end of our goal. That is when we look to our support mechanism that we have put into place. That is when we discover that there is a team of people right there to help us through. And some of these people have done what you are now doing before! What a joy it is to discover that others found the journey as strange as you do! That is when you know that you are not alone and that this journey can be completed just as others have done. But then at times one might think that every human is different, so how could anyone else understand what you are going through? And to a point this is true. But every one of us that has felt the side effects of the treatments understands them well. Some have faced the exact feelings that you might be going through right now. There is a kind of power in the collective consciousness of those who have been or are still in this f...


I like the theme for today, the quotes are cool too. Numbers mean absolutely nothing to me years- centuries- age- time- money- IQ- census- statistics- calculus- astronomy- leap year ! Numbers are man made, and therefore unreliable. I choose not to allow them to rule my direction, it is giving away the natural born spontaneity, our imagination is limited when numbers are allowed to rule. Why count the planets and the stars and give them ridiculous names they don't belong to us.The numbers game made it possible to get to the moon and the planets but why? We are never going to go there and live it is impossible to survive. The only reason we are there is to cause the final mass destruction of earth. Numbers. Age is also limited by numbers, we are born and told that we have so many days to live, and we believe that crap. That's why we give up. It didn't take me 52 years to figure all this out, I have always known as a child. Can't wait for the oh if it were so simple bull t...