Sharing My Experience With You

A lot of you have known me for years, I have been learning and listening to you since 2003, I have TX'd 6 times, and was either a non responder, a relapser,or considered by some as even a TX junkie ! lol

Well as of Friday I am officially 9 months SVR post TX. My 6th TX was INFERGEN Daily 700 days 700 shots . I was taken off due to complications and in March of 2007 I was told I relapsed. Friday's news was the March PCR test was a false positive. That means I am now 9 months undetected.

The shock is still sinking in, but somehow I felt all along I would be healed, I asked then I thanked God everyday. I was an 11 meld score and now only a 7. All labs ast alt's are in the normal range. I am living proof that the dragon can be slain, I am living proof that if you never give up your chances of winning are greatly improved.

I want to help anyone I can to make it through TX. I realize for many it isn't possible, but I also know with an experienced person to share with makes all the difference in the world. I was the 1A hard to beat, and now I am the dragon's worst nightmare. Just ask her ! I will seek and kill and destroy anything that tries to stop me. I have killed it and now I am strong enough to help you kill yours.

DEATH TO THE DRAGONS !!! Once and for all !!!!! Come chat Friday & Saturday nights starting at 11:00pm est and we will ride together ! LOVE TO ALL ; Kat "Delphi Forums Hep C Out Of Bounds"

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