" Love Has No Limits"


Great Wednesday Morning "OOB" Family !
It's hump day
And I'm not talking whales or camels, but the nature of the human spirit that craves love, fun, and total satisfaction in every aspect of life, health comes first on the list .
Being healthy physically, mentally, and spiritually is the total package
we all strive to achieve in our lives.
Completeness and a sense of harmony when all three things are in tune for a better life.
How do we achieve this harmony when we have a liver disease, can our minds be supercharged into making us feel better with illness ?
I say absolutely.
When you get up the first thing we usually do is go to the bathroom half asleep and a bit groggy, well this is also the best time for retraining our attitudes.
Look into the mirror EEEEEK !
then smile at yourself for a total of 60 seconds.
A minute is a long time to do this and while you hold the silly grin...you will find yourself
really smiling.
The more you smile at yourself the happier you feel, and it's totally free YAY !
Remind yourself to do this daily by making a note on the mirror...It is so important to get those feelings awake before any other feeling beats it into our daily routine.
Good vibes go a long long way and can actually change your happiness quotient for life.
Talk to your image with positive words, you are beautiful, you are wonderful, you are fabulous !!!
The Simplest things can change the way we often think, because the negativity of the news and the world hammers into our psyche without our permission every single day.
It's up to us to take back our own happiness and fill our day with the best food we possibly can.
It's a magnificent feeling to be in control of happiness, because truthfully no one on earth can do this for us if we are not equipped to
receive happiness.
Hence the saying: You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else.
That's the best I have this morning, and now it's up to you to run with it.
Wheeee !
This is your life baby and you get the most out of it by what you see as happiness inside.
Onward family nothing can stop us from being happy no matter the circumstances.
The Sky Has No Limits

Kat & "Hep c Out Of Bounds"

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