Are You Using Your Gifts?

Creativity imagination dreaming, all these are God given abilities it is up to every person to utilize their talents whether or not it becomes something you can put your hands on. In the end you have grown you have learned something.
Every wonderful invention started out as someones imagination. I wonder if I could?
As small children it is natural curiosity and innocence that fuel their brilliance, then the world and the rules hinder what might have become, some say the formative years are between birth and age six. I strongly disagree it is yet another limit that has been imposed by the small minded so called teachers of the day.
A pet is only as smart as it's owner, same goes for humans. They teach them to sit, heel and shake hands presto that's it?
No no no the job is never ending the mind is never stretched to it's full capacity. The power in everyone is compiled from their limitless capabilities, that my friends is what makes everyone so unique !
We have each been given free will and thankfully we were born in the USA the only thing stopping some of us is a deeply etched fear from stepping out of the mold that our environment has tried to control us with.
I say take the time to imagine create a new path through the forest adventure !
If you don't look for new ways you certainly won't find them.
The same thing applies to every setback we see ahead, you must push yourself to your own God given power of giving it all you can, be everything you can, share this with everyone that crosses your path and they will gladly help make this a better adventure !
It is so important to let go of the past and not worry about tomorrow, the only thing in our control is this very moment in time, be a dreamer, make it into a reality, and start on the next one !
I must get some coffee now I think my day is beginning very well !!!
If someone reads this that is contemplating weather or not to try treatment ? What have you got to lose? All the dreams ? all the gifts you hold in your hearts? You try your best to do what's right for you.
Final word of the day, never take no for an answer.
Love You; OOB Kat

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