The Reasoning Behind The Upsidedown Orchid
Joyous Wednesday Morning "OOB"
This is a picture from our blogspot, I typed in:
Hep c people and looked for images found some really nice ones, and then saw (OURS)
That was a nice surprise for me as I didn't know it would be there.
I don't know if you have ever seen the blog before, so I wanted to share with you the meaning of the upside down orchid.
As you know orchids are very delicate and fragile "like humans are as well" and if not properly cared for will simply wither and die if not kept in the right humidity, warmth, and sunlight.
The upside down orchid is all of us affected by hep c, we are trying so hard to survive through the most difficult of circumstances reaching toward the light to grasp every ray of hope, and collecting the water from each other when times get to hard.
Fragile loving humans that care more for each other sometimes than ourselves is why we are here, it takes every single one of us to support the most fragile in the best way we know how.
Our hearts are open, our minds are sharp, our love is unconditional. We are humans that require lots of TLC and we will all grow and flourish and heal stronger day by day as we focus on the future.
We are not a silent epidemic we hide from no one, we are brave we are determined, and we are beautiful.
It is time to speak out against anyone who tries to ignore our rights to live , it is our duty to the millions coming behind us to open the doors for them so they have better faster more reliable care. This is supposed to be the USA for God's sake, this epidemic should have been stopped in it's tracks long ago, but would you like to know why it wasn't?
The government kept it quiet so the millions and millions of Veteran's wouldn't survive long enough to get compensated for their malpractice.
The rest of us that had transfusions will not get compensated for the tainted blood either.
The teens that did drugs back in the 60's and 70's are today so ill they simply haven't the strength to fight anything but trying to stay alive.
The fortunate people have insurance, from their spouses usually, and they will go on to have transplants. The average American today cannot afford health insurance and guess what the transplant co-ordinators tell them ?
Oh I'm so sorry transplant is not an option for you without insurance. OMG "OOB" They will send us home to die without so much as a flinch, that's our government in action, aren't you glad and proud you live in the GREAT U.S.A.?
Some of us simply will give up because we fought for our country and came home to die?
Or we had an operation and were given hepc infected blood?
Does it make you want to scream as it does me?
Think today post your replies, get pissed !!!
This is a picture from our blogspot, I typed in:
Hep c people and looked for images found some really nice ones, and then saw (OURS)
That was a nice surprise for me as I didn't know it would be there.
I don't know if you have ever seen the blog before, so I wanted to share with you the meaning of the upside down orchid.
As you know orchids are very delicate and fragile "like humans are as well" and if not properly cared for will simply wither and die if not kept in the right humidity, warmth, and sunlight.
The upside down orchid is all of us affected by hep c, we are trying so hard to survive through the most difficult of circumstances reaching toward the light to grasp every ray of hope, and collecting the water from each other when times get to hard.
Fragile loving humans that care more for each other sometimes than ourselves is why we are here, it takes every single one of us to support the most fragile in the best way we know how.
Our hearts are open, our minds are sharp, our love is unconditional. We are humans that require lots of TLC and we will all grow and flourish and heal stronger day by day as we focus on the future.
We are not a silent epidemic we hide from no one, we are brave we are determined, and we are beautiful.
It is time to speak out against anyone who tries to ignore our rights to live , it is our duty to the millions coming behind us to open the doors for them so they have better faster more reliable care. This is supposed to be the USA for God's sake, this epidemic should have been stopped in it's tracks long ago, but would you like to know why it wasn't?
The government kept it quiet so the millions and millions of Veteran's wouldn't survive long enough to get compensated for their malpractice.
The rest of us that had transfusions will not get compensated for the tainted blood either.
The teens that did drugs back in the 60's and 70's are today so ill they simply haven't the strength to fight anything but trying to stay alive.
The fortunate people have insurance, from their spouses usually, and they will go on to have transplants. The average American today cannot afford health insurance and guess what the transplant co-ordinators tell them ?
Oh I'm so sorry transplant is not an option for you without insurance. OMG "OOB" They will send us home to die without so much as a flinch, that's our government in action, aren't you glad and proud you live in the GREAT U.S.A.?
Some of us simply will give up because we fought for our country and came home to die?
Or we had an operation and were given hepc infected blood?
Does it make you want to scream as it does me?
Think today post your replies, get pissed !!!
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Vice President Richard Cheney:
What are YOU going to do about it?

OOB it is still a joyous day with a spark in our hearts to fight for the right to life