Showing posts from 2011
Chuck's Daily Opening Spread
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15198.1 Good morning my friends, And it is indeed an incredible feeling to be among friends. Though our reasons for joining together are wrought with uncertainty and in some cases downright fear, we still find our peace together. We find our joy in a sometimes crazy world together. We find the strength that only a fellow warrior can bring us. And yes, in a way we build our new lives and our futures together. This is powerful stuff if we really stop to think about it. But I have to tell you from my own past experience with the dragon that there's no greater feeling then to be cast from the darkness of fear and confusion into the light of understanding that is OOB. We understand because we've either been there or are there. Because we've walked the same path that others must now walk. Though the weapons have changed, our purpose has not for we deal in the stuff that cannot be seen. The stuff that lives in the realm of love and understanding. The stuff that no doctor can ...
" WARRIORS " Share Their Determination
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Today all is well though, go figure This is also shot # 6 day. Each day I leave behind is one day closer to finishing T T T 'X and the rest of my Hep C free life. Emotions are much more raw on T T T 'X as you already said and we just need to learn how to deal with it and actually use it to our advantage. Even bad or confusing emotions can be beneficial if we learn how to translate them into a positive learning process. Many of us have known for years something is wrong like I did. It just took them 16 years to diagnose the actual issue at hand which is Hep C. Any time one has a foreign agent in ones body doing damage there are effects on us (body & mind). I gave up believing in myself, dealing with symptoms everyone thought I was imagining, getting depressed in the process. I have learned from this to listen to myself and ignore the nay-sayers I have learned from this to take an active role in my physical & mental care and insist on things I previously ...
Gord & "OOB"
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15018.1 Good day to my "OOB" family and friends! This is a great place to learn and share, and laugh or bitch. Whatever we want. Whatever we need at the time. Don't you all agree? I have been told (and I know others have too) that 'OOB' may be bringing me down. Ha Ha Ha! I won't name any names, but I tried to explain to my new girlfriend :) lol, that NOTHING could be farther from the truth! No Riba Rage there, I just capitalized the word nothing to show how important I think it is to be able to talk freely to others that are going through the same battle. The battle that will beat this dam dragon to death forever! We are, for whatever reasons, the chosen "Warriors". We have decided how important our lives are, and we would like to enjoy as many more years as possible, as healthy as can be. NOBODY can really know what we have to endure on a daily basis, unless they too are treating or have treated in the past. Then again, we are all di...
Bradlybones "The Triple TX Train"
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Thursday’s Daily Opening Spread 10/06/2011 Night before last I was thinking about how my new treatment was coming up, and about the folks here already on treatment and I couldn’t help but be excited about being a hepper today, right now in 2011. Oh, I’ve been a hepper for a long time, just like you. I really don’t know how long, but I figure my ‘high risk’ exposures were between 1966 and 1973. I expect I was exposed back then, but still, I don’t know. Honestly I don’t care. I’ve said many times that “I don’t care how I got it; I just want to know how to get rid of it.” Well I’m happy to be a hepper today because now it looks like I may be able to use something effective to get rid of it. And then I started thinking of all the time I’ve spent on hepper forums. I guess I started lurking in 2004. I was recently diagnosed and hungry for information. I thought I was going to die at any time. I had no idea what hepatitis was or what it did to you. Today, I know far more than I ever wanted t...
Calling All Angels
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Well my my ! Good Morning to you OOB family ! I'm happy to see you up and about, doing the best you can with what you have... We are all world apart from each other yet we have this uncanny ability to be right next to one another when you need us and some positive reinforcements to help you make it all the way to the finish line. "OOB" knows you cannot kill the virus with herbs but also recognizes the benefits of making healthier choices for yourself no matter if you can TX or not. Herbs or cleanses can be harmful if you have underlying medical problems with or without hep c. I think the cleansing and the herbs are wonderful for people that are in good health to begin with. Read all of the facts and make informed decisions based on your doctors advice. We never try to heal or cure people because of our experience, we let the doctors do their job because dang it, they are trained professionals. We know one thing they don't have a clue about and that is the side effect...
From Chuck "OOB"
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Good morning OOB, Man, it's been a busy week for me! I've been working some drywall jobs, been writing my book of fiction while writing another one I was requested to write for a quit smoking web site and then writing some fresh messages to them as well. The good thing is most of these things are labors of love. But the one that still and always will be the most important to me are the ones I write for you wonderful people here. This is because I have some idea of what you might be going through. I have a little experience with the hepatitis C virus and it's treatments. I understand what a diagnosis of hepatitis C can mean for a person and how strange the world becomes when we're forced to face the dragon. At times I think the world can look quite different to us as we face our adversary. It's so easy to see it as drab and colorless if we're not careful. I remember as I would approach that shot night how I'd get frustrated because just as I was starting to...
"OOB" And Her " Colorado Connection "
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14890.1 Good morning my friends, The other day I was sitting and looking up at the mountains and thinking of the season of fall coming up that will soon turn to winter. In a way this brings some desire to see the summer continue and in a wistful way wish that it could all be lived again. The flowers popping up to delight us. The soothing cool breeze flowing over the face on a hot summer night. The warmth of the landscape as morning turns into day. And then the thought occurred to me that every ending is a new beginning. And every beginning is a new chance at life or health or love or just about anything that we can imagine. And the progression continues, creating new things every time another phase ends. To me this means a lot. When we face trials in our lives, they usually have a distinct beginning and a distinct ending. We have to spend our time going through that phase in our lives but sooner or later it ends and a new phase begins. So often what we do during the current phase in ...
"OOB" The Angels Among Us
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Yes I believe in the spirit of everything and there is a God above and a mother earth.
I believe there is one that will always be there guiding us, with all these special angels he has brought together for us, here at the "OOB" home.
Without Faith we are no one, with faith and all the loving arms that bind us together we have each other and the World. We dont stand alone, not in the living and not in the dead.
It really does take a village of people that we call friends, family and even strangers to show us the path, to hold us up and to drag us to where we should be.
This is the place that has those special, unique qualities that show Faith is Alive and so we all will be as well.
Love Ya, Debra
The Best Online Support On The Planet
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The Best Information Online For the millions of people infected with the hep c virus, we are here for you and we've been very diligent in sharing our truth with you. Be aware there are copycats that are online stalkers. Hep C Out Of Bounds belongs to everyone and I am Kat the host since 2004. you want the best? You will find us in Delphi forums under health and wellness, it is free love in the purest form. The United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, London, and anyone that needs our help is WELCOME. From 2004 until this very second 2012, we are dedicated to you. OOB is powered by God. I Love you All, now let's get busy and destroy this virus once and for all with the new protease inhibitors available. Our family members are ALL CLEARING The virus, come see. Kat & "OOB" The One And Only. Hep C Out Of Bounds http://forums.delphiforums.com/hepcotb/start Hep C co Infection With HIV http://forums.delphiforums.com/Privada/start "OOB Babes And Boys" http...