The Best Information Online For the millions of people infected with the hep c virus, we are here for you and we've been very diligent in sharing our truth with you. Be aware there are copycats that are online stalkers. Hep C Out Of Bounds belongs to everyone and I am Kat the host since 2004. you want the best? You will find us in Delphi forums under health and wellness, it is free love in the purest form. The United States, Canada, Germany, Australia, London, and anyone that needs our help is WELCOME. From 2004 until this very second 2012, we are dedicated to you. OOB is powered by God. I Love you All, now let's get busy and destroy this virus once and for all with the new protease inhibitors available. Our family members are ALL CLEARING The virus, come see. Kat & "OOB" The One And Only. Hep C Out Of Bounds Hep C co Infection With HIV "OOB Babes And Boys" http...