
Showing posts from January, 2012

US News Today

It's a natural born survival instinct to fear people that are ill. No matter if it is just a cold. Young kids and adults that do not understand hep c will be afraid until we teach them about it. I am a hep c survivor I have done 6 treatments and finally beat it with Infergen Daily Shots, it took 23 months to kill the virus with that drug. Today we are seeing much better treatments with the triple combination therapy with Telaprevir , Interferon, and Ribavirin . There are so many people becoming undetected in the first two my websites that until now, most had little real chance of beating it before this new combination was available. Baby Boomers like myself are the number one target we must bring out with awareness, they must be screened for the virus before it damages their livers beyond help. Transplants are happening at a very alarming rate today, just trying to save these people, that is not good enough. We must make everyone aware this is a silent and steady...

Our Colorado Connection By: Chuck

New Hep C Out of Bounds Links Page / Link To "Hep C Out Of Bounds" This page contains external links to other web sites that either offer information or support for those interested in the hepatitis C virus. Please note that these are external links that are not necessarily associated with New Hep C Out of Bounds. This page is still under construction! Well, sort of. If you know of any good hepatitis C information web sites that you would like to submit, you may do so by joining the forum or you can email me directly. Thank you! Please be careful when going to any web site. Many web sites are commercial web sites and may not have your best interests at heart but rather your wallet. There is no magic cure out there for the hepatitis C virus so any site claiming to have one is probably a commercial web site. The only treatment currently proven to be effective in the treatment of Hepatitis C is combination therapy that uses Interfero...

Your New Life By: Chuck

15452.1   Clicking this thread number will bring you directly to our home base. "Hep C Out Of Bounds" Good morning my friends, I do hope the day finds you in good spirits. After all, why would we want to be any other way? When it comes to treatments, the passage of time is almost always considered a thing that is good, because so long as we’re sticking with our treatment regimen then it’s only a matter of time before that phase of our lives is over and the new life of post tx begins. Though this can be a time of celebration, there can be many of those post treatment kind of days along the way. Days where the sides don’t seem quite as bad as before. Days where we can see the world clearly through the cloud that the meds can create. Days where we realize that we actually will survive the trials that we have agreed to place upon ourselves. The thing to remember is that at times nature must tear down the body in order to build it up again in a more perfect and harmonious fashi...

~2012 ~


Gord Brings In The New Year "OOB"

15393.1 To all the family at ((( OOB ))) Happy New Year HEPPERS and HELPERS ! The dragon has finally met his match, and the "Warriors" are on the winning team! 2012 is gonna be the year of the cure. What a fantastic thing it is to hear about all the UD news. Next stop, the station at ((( SVR ))) Choo Choo Chugga Chugga Keep your weapons sharp, and stay on top of the sides. They are a necessary evil, brought on by the suffering groans of the dieing dragons.The only problem I see for the year 2012 is that out of all those in the USA (mostly Baby Boomers) and (Vietnam Era Vets) that are positive Hepatitis carriers, 75% don't even know they have the virus! WTF ??? That makes us the lucky 25 % that ARE aware and can make the choice to treat and KILL it. Spread the word that getting screened for Hep should be a routine test and part of a yearly check-up for all those in the most vulnerable categories..Just think what a huge difference it would have made to be screened a...