Your New Life By: Chuck

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Good morning my friends,
I do hope the day finds you in good spirits. After all, why would we want to be any other way? When it comes to treatments, the passage of time is almost always considered a thing that is good, because so long as we’re sticking with our treatment regimen then it’s only a matter of time before that phase of our lives is over and the new life of post tx begins.
Though this can be a time of celebration, there can be many of those post treatment kind of days along the way. Days where the sides don’t seem quite as bad as before. Days where we can see the world clearly through the cloud that the meds can create. Days where we realize that we actually will survive the trials that we have agreed to place upon ourselves.
The thing to remember is that at times nature must tear down the body in order to build it up again in a more perfect and harmonious fashion. This is not uncommon in nature. The forest fire that tears down the vegetation on a mountain while at the same time spreading the seeds of the new life that will live in the place of that which was torn down.
The volcano that spreads powerful destruction across a huge area while at the same time changing the landscape to form a new and beautiful place in which to live where the earth has been replenished and made ready for the new growth that will grow twice as rapidly from the newly replenished earth.
This is the true way of nature and you are living the laws of nature like no other.
So never look only at the fact that the body must be torn down in order to become a more harmonious you. Instead, realize that the reason this works is because it does follow the very laws of our existence. With each day that must be endured, the body is changing in ways that will protect you from the dragon for the rest of your life. The seeds of your future grow with each passing day and in the end you can look at what you’ve accomplished and understand that without the tearing down of ourselves, we never could have won.
So hang in there. Live your days to the best of your ability and never for a moment believe that you are not winning because the reality is that you are. The reality is that once this is over you will remember this time not as one of sorrow but rather as one of growth for that is the way of nature. To take that which might be inharmonious and make it a little more perfect.
And so long as your doing what you must right now then the beauty of what you will reap is incredible! That new life you long for is right around the corner! All you have to do is keep on fighting!
Have a winning week my friends,

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