" The Day The World Listened "

  We the people of the greatest country in the world have the right to bear arms to protect our families from predatory individuals.
 We the people of the USA have the right to protest our government when there has been horrific discrimination and neglect concerning the untimely deaths of millions of people infected with the hepatitis c virus via blood transfusions, iv drug use, medical procedures, air gun vaccines.
 NOW is the time to take action in hopes of raising awareness and rising above the stigma associated with this blood borne killer of Americans and Canadians.
 They are compensated in Canada for receiving tainted blood, there is no price tag to compensate a lifelong battle against this hideous disease.

 This is only a measure used to calm the population into silence.

The 2012 hugfest was the best time of my life. However seeing all of these people I've loved for the last eight years of running "Hepc Out Of Bounds" was a life changing event. My Heart is so full of love for them, and so full of rage for the CDC at the same time, I must take action. The government and the CDC knew hep c was in the RED CROSS blood supply back in 1990...Why are they just now announcing a screening program for all baby boomers. 
  After we have lost hundreds of thousands of people, I'm infuriated. 
 Fifteen thousand a year are DYING in the good old USA each and every year due to the hep c virus, ( I believe the numbers are much greater than are reported ) 
 22 years have now passed...
 A Quarter of a MILLION people have lost their lives just because no one cared, or thought it would ever affect someone they loved and offered to screen them before.
  I've dedicated myself to the people that are fighting for their lives, but now I see I am needed to start a REVOLUTION. 
 It took me fifteen years of debilitating treatments to kill the virus to become a Dragon Warrior and that is nothing compared to the determination and rage I have developed for the people that have worked so diligently to keep this disease quiet. 
  I'm on a roll and nothing will stop me.
  I  Love You;   Kat ♥ "Hepc Out Of Bounds"

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