"OOB" The Stuff Of Legends By: Chuck

Good morning my friends,
I hope this week finds you well. The other day I found myself reflecting back to the days when I had to fight the dragon. I do this often because it was such a strange part of my life but also one of revelations and of finding myself even as I plunged deeper into the treatments.
I was lucky enough to have an easy fight, although at the time it didn’t seem like it. I was one of the first in our state to do the shorter 16 week treatment and thankfully it worked! Thing is, sixteen weeks was just long enough for me to understand the basics of what we go through during treatments. That’s why I never envy those who must fight the long battle though I do respect you very much for hanging in there no matter what and never believing in anything but success.
What I see here at OOB is the stuff of legends. Even though our battle is fought inside, it’s still a battle like no other! And the reality is that only those who have gone though it understand the war as it really is, with all it’s quirks and endless questions that at times we can only answer for ourselves.
This is why there are places like this web site that allows us to join together and in reality, fight together because there is no worse feeling then the feeling that we’re fighting alone.
So even though your in the middle of the battle of your life, take solace in the fact that you never have to fight alone. Take the strength that is offered by others and use it to find your way out of the darkness and into the light that is victory!
Fight the good fight and no matter what happens you will in the end understand why it was worth it. Why you were willing to take this on at all. Why you decided that it was time to laugh at the dragon and take your life back because you know as well as the rest of us that there is no other acceptable life. There is no other way to find the peace that we long for in our futures. To find the hope of watching our children and grand children grow older.
Hold your head high my friends and before you know it, victory will be at hand!
Have a wonderful week,

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