Understanding The Ties That Bind Us By: MaggieBlue

This last few weeks I have learned alot about myself and each of us as we begin to understand the ties that bind us also free us.
  I have been finding family members and getting to know them, that are genetically tied to me. Now whats interesting as the stories come out, when we skip a few generations back, we all have these stories.
  Many of us come from unique and interesting beginnings. What we have in common is that we survived. As it goes on we are surviving now, most of us here, with hep c and other issues as well. These things bring us closer to each other and help us understand our humanness. We share , love, worry, and hope together. 
  We laugh and pray, each in our own way but with the unity of our ever growing families. The weather, the times, the violence, a texting driver....our fates each bound, by random acts of viruses, storms and unpredictability. All this as we wait for test results and a better cure for this that haunts our dreams and other illnesses that swaddle the remainder. Is it just human to be connected by the minuscule bacteria and viruses...?
 It is how we got here some say, through deviant changes in DNA and mutations that in the beginning changed each creature as it evolved. What a thought, a dream, and now knowing our thoughts and places in this world all defined by these things as always. From the beginning of time to forever....
Margi is getting too heady this AM perhaps,
  What I wish for all of us this Wednesday morning is to embrace what got us here and as my dear son Manzi said so well " if we survive we have a duty to be the best we can be" for those who preceded us, those that are here, and those to come. Today is our day to shine....spread some sunshine and hope , united by our humanness and love!!!!

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