The Art In Seeing, Not The Act Of Looking
What time is it Buffalo Bob? Why it's Howdy Doody time. Good day citizens, as always I hope this finds you well. Another late evening on Friday. Not having to work Saturdays gives me a little breathing room, not under the "get some rest gun". Stupid old me, in the summer I tell myself I have all winter to sleep, come winter I realize I'll have plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead. I don't mean that depressively, you have to understand its Catholic gallows humor. I was raised this way-slap my Mom and Dad, sometimes being the beta model is a bitch.You just finally deal with it and move on, in spirit they are always there. So much unsaid and so truly understood. Its true, the older I get, the smarter I remember them. I didn't lead a good life for a while, but my boys are doing quite well, didn't entirely F**k that up, lol. Gotta bring this around, I'm just meandering. Don't know about you...