The Art In Seeing, Not The Act Of Looking
What time is it Buffalo Bob? Why it's Howdy Doody time.
Good day citizens, as always I hope this finds you well.
Another late evening on Friday.
Not having to work Saturdays gives me a little breathing room, not under the "get some rest gun".
Stupid old me, in the summer I tell myself I have all winter to sleep,
come winter I realize I'll have plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead. I don't mean that depressively, you have to understand its Catholic gallows humor.
I was raised this way-slap my Mom and Dad, sometimes being the beta model is a bitch.You just finally deal with it and move on, in spirit they are always there. So much unsaid and so truly understood.
Its true, the older I get, the smarter I remember them.
I didn't lead a good life for a while, but my boys are doing quite well,
didn't entirely F**k that up, lol. Gotta bring this around, I'm just meandering. Don't know about you but I've become fairly disgusted with the shape of mankind, I think I'm supposed to. I must sound like a snob, just held everyone in general, to a higher standard. Oh, there's roses among those thorns- think I live for those roses at times, remember the scratches and scars one must acquire to hold the delicate rose
in their hand.The light dried trails of blood on you arms from entering and leaving the beauty you seek. I never wash them away, let time take care of that. What makes it all bearable is being able to find those roses, they seem so cloaked and hidden. Everyone here always made me feel better about those out there.
I've seen enough to know anything is possible, down inside it just feels better wanting to believe in mankind. Guess I'll take my lickin'. Finding the roses is hard-they blend into a blanket of rather formless mass, much like a crowded street, like Baskin and Robbins, too many too choose. Used to be you would find some special just by turning around, it seemed. Not so much any more. Don't lament, just most the hard legwork has been done, is all. Can't keep reinventing the wheel.
Sometimes I find being able to stand back and observe to be beneficial. Much like looking for a 4 leaf clover in a blanket of clover.
If we just relax and allow what seems to be our vision lose focus, the objects suddenly appear, their location all about you.
The art of seeing, not the act of looking. Allowing yourself to detach and view with a different range of focus.
One good person will nullify the negative actions of many, the opposite, true as well. Don't stand and watch, do a little something. Pick a rose or two, nourish with all you have, you found them for a reason. Quite honestly, I've found the most beautiful roses along the way. Such a lucky man. "People who need people, are the luckiest people in the world" sounded corny in the 60's, I'll be damned if it isn't true. I'm sure some of our family could use a little healing energy, so take a moment to wish those in need of a little extra, the thoughts will find their way. Stay warm
Leave no I love you unsaid, no hug ungiven
Peace, Oldhair.