Lets be clear, It is no longer acceptable, this business as usual, politicians bought and paid for, the corrupt Elect and Special agenda... The Corporate States of America has replaced The United States of America. Too many frivolous laws and Lawyer's like Snake Charmer's infecting this nation. Does not matter what party you subscribe to. In the Days of General Marius, and Sulla, there were the 'Proscriptions', which basically cleaned house, removing all and any undesirables from positions of influence and power. Assets seized, and Order ultimately restored to the Republic. Today the Bribery of Public Officials is shamefully Rampant, and Laws passed which Extort the Taxpayer. The working class are being eradicated, but regularly harassed & threatened, as they are told, You will do this, or else"! Meanwhile the Corrupt Elect figure out new ways to Rip off everyone, including this Nations Wealth, including but not limited to WAR. WAR, WAR... Who can Make War With The Beast, The Enemy Within, insidious, and pervasive?? writes all the laws, backed by Armed Men, but even more dangerously, The Intentional Grounding and Crashing of Systems that are not designed to fail, would not fail had it not been for the deliberate efforts to acquire that systems wealth which pays our sick and elderly limited yet self paid for benefits. This Country owes a huge debt to our seniors, and our disabled, as well as the average citizen who bust's their asses, for life!! Monies which We paid into our entire lives in order that we have a safety net in the event of a legitimate disability and or mandatory Retirement. So lets expand those workings of great Men and Women, and Repair what has been damaged. Seize control of The Fed, And Financial Institutions, Provide World Class Medical Healthcare to all our Citizens, and Institute a Cap on Corporate Profit's, and controls on those who bombard our courts with nonsense and subterfuge, as We dictate the terms and permissions of how these Corporations are allowed to do business here in America. If they wish to have our Citizens as customer's and Consumers, then there will have to be paid there an annual Tribute on top of a flat Tax Rate, across the board, for everyone, High and Low. That Includes all Public and private businesses, Public (political) Servants, Politicians, Presidents or pauper plebeians'. If terms are not met, like Medicine for profit, where death panels are a very real occurrence, (Oh dear, aunt Florence fell and fractured her hip. And Doctors refusing to provide necessary and appropriate Healthcare including surgery, defer, writing aunt Flo a script for Narcotics, sending her home to die). YES, They Do! Exorbitant prices for med's, like Harvoni, at a cost of 900.00 a pill. For a twelve week course. You have to be near dead before you are accepted for coverage through medicare, and even then, why wait until the body has been so badly battered down that even if YOU'RE Treated, you'll never quite get around to feeling well, as they let it go past that point where there is a definite impact on the patient's longevity. The current National Healthcare model is ineffective. Insurance companies, HMO's and their lawyers are all crooks who by their own admission have caused this whole mess by way of Greed and deception. There are better models in the world who are an incredible benefit to their citizens, once you remove these Rogue Greed Merchants (Lawyers) from the equation. Much needs to be done, and its going to hurt alot! Ad its going to cost alot. But its for the benefit of our Nation to be brave enough to become something Great! Not the self serving, destructive, Ugly Americans We currently boast... A truly Hideous sight. We have an Infestation!- Fix It
We have a Financial Crisis- Stop Ripping Us Off and contain your greed.
We're Sickly, Hungry and Cold- We will provide, Provide, Provide....... But its really up to everyone to work together to create The Resource, Correct the error's and Remove The White Collar Collective of Thieves, lying by omission, who hate Human beings as much as They say they care and contribute. ...... No, I think Greasy said it best,,, "Begin the Proscriptions" ( next stop, wall Street ).

Resurrection. Film @ eleven
BY: Paul Gaudette 

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