Wednesday and a moon, Jupiter, Spring teasing our souls, the earth feeling a bit restless, it's inhabitants , many have eyes wide open, on the lookout, with a gleam of speculation...the kind found in an old souls knowing eyes, and a sprinkle of trepidation, from the salt in the wounds, a wind of uncertainty whistles by....and small blue flowers, like old friends stop by to remind you...of endurance and faith.

None of this is invalid, the only thing that is , fills each of us so often we might forget to notice! So many here, keep holding each other up, giving hope, information, inspiration, thoughts, prayers, and the sun, the rain, dirt that sprouts a cold seed....into green life...these things are always around us.

The ones who love are still sharing it, and the ones who are hiding their pain are feeling the whisper of a caring wind.

So many of us choose to take the time to connect, learn, love pray and vent freely in this place of sharing and is a microcosm of the world we have processed and made a part of our gardens....I am grateful, for all these things and more...

Yup it's hard out there, it always has been, and also so amazing!

Do you all know how amazing you are?

Just the fact that we all have or have had Hep C and found each other...

Okay no more flashbacks silly woman,

Collectively we become a universe of growth....hope and


Many many hugs Oob !!!!

Spring be with you!!!!!

And this may be the longest run on DOS sentence in history,

And that is all folks ,


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