
                  "Pologies" for spelling as well spell check issues, y’all know hepanese, it’s not my Wednesday post, is simply musings....
From a grateful soul 💫

Sometimes” we” are just a vehicle...perhaps to help others and ourselves along the way..
This speck of existence we call life when newly sprouted is full of questions,
Many have answers, , often there aren’t any, pick one or another path, possibilities, roads, choices. Each delivers either where they need to be, or where at that time a spontaneous often, impulsive response, carries us over rough waters, smooth calm reflections, and ever so often a rope to grasp, or hang up on....some stops along they way need watering, some need patience, even humor....
Then tears...we make corrections, seems spell check on life isn’t wired as well in our humanness. Roads split, rain washes away to redirect, we can forget from where we came...we often hide the hurt, and expand the triumphs into a wonderful protective shell. The kind that had endless perfection in its Symmetry, and expansive (eternity..)
Soil can become hardened, not even to absorb the rain, people also so thirsty for water, and unable to swallow sweet moisture...perhaps their heart lost its way,found a path full of thorns, dry brush and hardship, bitter and swallowed with regrets, a drop of change...can’t penetrate.
Pride, embarrassed and in need of self protecting they, can’t let the sun in, nor much needed rain...
Well tended soil is a luscious mix of humus, sand, worms recycling debris, microbes, and so much more.
Specks of all time recycled, always renewing. Growth requires renewal. For all things
Both living and more static forms of wonders. All these random and forms of atoms, molecules, five force, require nourishment, change, and move along ,get transformed, decay to feed others.
We do this...all things matters, we matter and are all matter.
How delightful.!
Often helping others in any way, is a healing, doesn’t matter human, soil, stone, we carve a way past road blocks, sharing stories, creating art in any form, as nourishment...creates possibilities.
When something blocks the way, a stone, a person, an emotion, wind, the only way is to find another way. We can’t go over,under,or around, we go through...nudging it, so the spring flows from creative determination...
We strive to be. Enter and learn, to let passion to determine and keep our imaginations dark, not have power over our obstacles, as that only becomes more rubble from the always inevitable avalanche.
Can’t grow there, just buried in rubble, stardust and past musings of what if’s.
Wonders all around us and this life we have been given begs us to always find the magic and beauty in each second of each minute.....
That there are arguments, disasters, and dilemma is always simply testing the very best of us to make the goodness override...our fears, the core of the potpourri that is our existence.

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