"My Story"

This is my story, in a condensed version...
1992 I found out I had hep c, I treated four times with the alpha interferon which was the hardest time of my life. I was a non-responder. Next treatment was 18 months of Pegasys and copegus, I had cleared in the 10th month. Finished out 16 and soon relapsed. Waited two months and went straight to infergen 700 shots in 700 days, I was clear from the fifth week. As soon as it was over, I relapsed again.
Updated Information=The
"Relapse" in fact never happened
My test results came from the University Hospital, and they were not correct, I'm not sure if someone elses blood contaminated my test or not.
I wanted to clarify that my doctor Bennet Cecil was not responsible for the test errors.
I'm a 1a stage 3-4 cirrhosis. I contracted the disease from a blood transfusion in 1984 in Florida while having complications with a tubal pregnancy. I cannot treat again until something new comes out. I'm planning on being evaluated for a liver transplant while I wait for a new drug. So, I have been on treatment for a total of seven years out of 15. I know what it feels like to go through all of the painful side effects alone. I vow that no other person will be alone to face this disease. As long as we all reach out and help one another, that's all that matters to me. I'm here for you all, this blog is for you. You can contact me here at the blog by posting comments or you can reach me at :

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