*Hitch Your Wagon To A Star*

Just remember we are all in this together, there's nothing that can stop us from staying close and beating this virus into the ground, as long as we share with one another, our ideas, our aches and pains, our battles, we all become stronger.
It is a miracle that some of us have made it this long, fighting, falling down getting up dusting our jeans off and getting right back on that horse. YES it can be done no matter how many times you get thrown off course, you can still win.
I am living breathing proof , you can be a non responder, an undetected, and a relapse, and come right back into the battle and defeat the hep c virus.
6 times I have treated and the last one was the one it took to finish it off forever.
No matter what you do in life give it your everything. It is your chance to win and you must take it.
Never listen to anyone that tells you oh let's wait for a better TX. You don't have hep c real bad yet. I'm telling you this from all of my experiences with hep c and doctors or so called friends that try to help. They are dead wrong when they tell you it is OK to wait.
Sure new and improved drugs are coming, but have you noticed they all are promised in 5 years? Do you know how long I have been hearing that one?
OK You know what I mean, and I'm not out peddling interferon's. I will tell you that it is much easier to kill a baby dragon than a full grown one.
Make sense to anyone ? It is up to you what you do in your own life but from my experience, you back me in a corner? I'll fight until the death of one of us.
I am clear, undetectable, and cured of hep c after fighting my ass off through 6 gruelling TX'S if I can do it ANYONE CAN.
Sure there are some that are too sensitive for the tx but I'm not talking about them. I am talking about the person that is too afraid to try that first time. Today's meds and most doctors know how to treat the side effects, it can go fairly smooth for most people. You'll never know until you try.
I am here on Friday & Saturday night chats after 10:00pm est If you need to hear a encouraging word I am here for you.
If you want to reach me through the week I am the co host of
I am in that site every single day. I Welcome You with open arms.


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