Are You Gifted

Good Morning "Out Of Bounds"

Look inside yourself today and find that one thing you have been born with as a gift, open it up and share it with all of us .
I know there are some good qualities in everyone, especially the people that give their time here making OOB a site that is very different than any other on the internet.

We believe very strongly in the freedom of speech here, and you really don't see a lot of it on a support site, We feel it is everyones right to voice their opinions, and to have a place to vent or just coment on anything you wish. We have some very powerful messages here, and sometimes it might seem that we are all happy go lucky glad to be here type individuals, which is fine to an extent, but we are family and we have differences, I for one am probably the most guilty of sugarcoating. I admit that, hell life is a bitch sometimes, and for people on treatment it really sucks, so that's the reason our open threads are so important. We need to hear the positive side of this dragon so we can beat it into the ground.
Each forum is specifically designed to keep the questions for the newcomers to the hot topics for anyone interested in what's going on, to the funny farm where all giggles are.
We are human beings and are we are born with flaws, why hide them?
If you need a place that is strictly for only the good side of life , well oob might not be the right place for you.
If the world was so goody goody we'd all be bored out of our minds. With that said now I'm going to tell you as your head cheerleader for the last four years, Dust off your ass and get right back on that horse ! Fake it till you make it !
And Lock and Load, hep c is not for sissies, and neither is "Out Of Bounds" !!!

Love You All; Big Grinzzz; Kat Http://

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