Great Saturday Morning "Out Of Bounds"

You know I have been told many times by people that meet us in chat and then later join us here on the site, that when they first came into the chatroom there was something different about it that they couldn't explain.

As you well know I am as silly and funny as I can be for us that have been around for a long time together. We are comfortable with each other and our main goal is to keep you smiling. That is a very important part of doing the chatrooms, leaving for the night with a smile on our faces, and hopefully a renewed sense of normalcy.

But back to the subject when we meet these people that say "I felt something in the room that was comfortable and special, it was like I was supposed to be here for some strange reason", when I hear that I immediately know what they are saying. I recognize it as another person that has been led to us, I have seen this a hundred times since 2004. It isn't a coincidence that you are here in Out Of Bounds it was meant to be that our paths crossed that night and it was for a very special reason.

People looking for the "Real Deal" find it here, you can be exactly who you are in real life and be accepted here with us. You know it as soon as you come in, that you belong. That is not by coincidence either OOB that is the kind of people we are ! Each and everyone of us are caregiver's we were born to help each other through these tough and trying times in our lives, it was all meant to be that we reach out to all who come here looking for help with questions and also by our comforting ways, we all have different ways to give and it takes everyone of us to complete the circle surrounding the newcomer with genuine love and care. I see you do it everyday OOB it is you that make an internet site feel like a home !

You continually amaze me everytime I stand back and look at what you have done !


The world is a much nicer place because of you

I'll end this with a Quote I found for you.

Reinhold Niebuhr:
Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime,

Therefore, we are saved by hope.

Nothing true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history;

Therefore, we are saved by faith.

Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone.

Therefore, we are saved by love.

No virtuous act is quite a virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or foe as from our own;

Therefore, we are saved by the final form of love which is forgiveness.

"OOB" You are loved; Kat

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