"Moving Forward Never Back"

A wretched soul, bruised with adversity, We bid be quiet when we hear it cry;
But were we burdened with like weight of pain, As much or more we should ourselves complain.
Action is eloquence.
And since you know you cannot see yourself, so well as by reflection, I, your glass, will modestly discover to yourself, that of yourself which you yet know not of.
And thus I clothe my naked villainy With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ; And seem a saint, when most I play the devil Assume a virtue, if you have it not. Be great in act, as you have been in thought.
William Shakespeare

Good Morning Out Of Bounds,
***** Out Of Bounds Delphi *****
Taking it to another level, it is my main focus and before I'm gone you will know a piece of my heart is here just like Lou. 
I hope the hep c war is on the brink of being solved, but until then it is our duty as loving people and Gods Messengers to do the right thing. Our ability to make people feel at home, is very important.
Lou used to say "So Many People So Few Bullets" !
Of course he meant that in context of helping others. His way of acting macho and being a man with a heart of gold. Without looking like he was the hero.
He never did like to be the hero, his main dream was to be here helping 
as many people online as we could reach.
The Real Hero gets the glory and that is GOD!
That is now my main focus, getting out there and showing we care. This task is a lot harder than I expected because I simply need more help, I need mods that are willing to stay here on the weekends, while I am in Delphi, I need everyone to post in here and Delphi, it gets boring to people when they see too much of one person, it's human. I'm aways in and out of here 24/7 and I know you are trying to do most of the work now by being in chat and  that is great !
There should be hundreds of people in and out of here daily, and I feel a little uneasy because I haven't learned how to get critters to do 
what they don't want to do ?
It seems the world is too busy to devote a few hours a week to the cause, I myself don't understand those thoughts but for me I am driven to see people get help and encouragement.
The common sense and wisdom that each of us has needs to be nurtured and pumped every day in order to be effective. Are you forgetting ?
"We are the Frikken Champions"?
LOL Now you're awake !!! And grinning I presume? Good...
So with that said I want you to do the best you can right now today to help me bring this bastard dragon to it's knees !
I want this site jumping with activity and and I don't mean the Olympics.
Yes Shakespeare was the first thing that popped up on my screen when I clicked the quotes site, and I think it is a sign for things to come.
I always notice the signs and believe with all my heart I am being shown the way.
OOB if you believe in my humble efforts you will stand beside me all the way through we will share the sword and the shield to anyone that needs it, we have the power and the guts it takes to fight until this war is over, the pay? well ask HIM when you get there. There is no gold or money that can pay for what we do everyday helping our brothers and sisters , there is no time like now to begin our new journey on the fight for the death of the dragon forever. I am posting this at the other sites as well and see just where we stand.
I am formally announcing that our first nationwide link to "Out Of Bounds" is in motion .
"Out Of BoundsColorado Is Online, and almost ready Thank You Chuck for your dedication. Lou would have been so proud of you ! I am very proud of you !
Thank You; Kat

Kat; Host of OOB & OOB.org
in loving memory of Lou

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