" Time For A Change"

Yes it is 9/11
And to look back now I wonder where this country would be today had it not happened. I don't know about you but after that day when neighbors sat close by, and drivers were careful to each other, everyone had a sense of compassion for one another because we all remember how devastating it was and we were all in shock.

Same thing for hep c applies here you know the deal, we are here because we have compassion for one another and anyone else in the world affected by hep c.
Where would each of us be right now if we didn't get a virus?
We would be out sailing , and sky diving, or mountain climbing !
I would have lived life to its fullest each and every day

Some will say I would have been so much more than I am today, and others will say it has made my life difficult, and sometimes painful, but I will survive no matter what tries to get in the way ! I will fight this disease and "WIN" !!!
I am stronger because I have knowledge I feel safe because I have found others online understanding the same things I feel.
I am not alone in my thoughts here at "OOB" we are a very friendly site.
When you meet one of us just keep on talking to the rest because they get better and better as you go ! I am so very proud of all of you.

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