This is my view

Guess what I see in you?
Another strong winner, sometimes life an be so cruel and the way we handle our reactions speaks volumes to everyone around us. That is what draws people to learn in a different way ,God has called me to fight for people that cannot fight for themselves, I stand firm in my belief that we are all going to learn from each other, and change the face of hep c from the dirty faced man on the cover of a magazine to a happier and beautiful smile for those that can be cured.
Nothing can change by waiting for someone else to do it, if it's going to be then it must be me.!
I know in my heart we are all meant to be here right now in this very moment it took a disease for us to cross paths in life and for this we will all grow into more compassionate and genuine people.
"LOVE isn't gazing into each others eyes but looking forward in the same direction", for the end of hep c forever.
Great things are at our fingertips, and when we help people we ultimately, help ourselves !
PEACE ! Cool
Kat; Host Of OOB &
Kathi Host "OOB 1 Delphi & ""

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