* A New Letter From Lou*

I bargained with life for a penny,
and life would pay no more
However I begged at evening
when I counted my scanty score
For life is just an employer
he gives you what you ask
but once you have set the wages
why you must bear the task
I worked for a menial hire,
only to learn dismay
That any wage I had asked of life
Life would have willingly paid
Read that bad boy again.

This poem can be applied to money or to the goals like killing the dragon.
The goal is large for that wage, the payment would be the eradication of the disease.
The wage is high, therefore the "task" is also,
But it is all equal isn't it?
We can work for a" menials hire" chump change and accept a little awareness, and some menial funding from the government, or we can go for the whole ball of wax.
I'm not bargaining with life for a penny.
In 5-10 years I want the reward of seeing hepc being beaten, but that also means the the task that must be prepaid is extreme.
This battle, this war is going to take an incredible amount of everything and each one of use doing whatever we are capable of doing. Those of us that are healthy that were spared the liver damage and other problems hepc brings, we are the ones that must bear the greatest task, in a relative manner.
I know people that are so sick that its major effort for them to even write a post and share their experience, strength and hope.
For them that's a major task and they are doing their share.
I know people that achieved SVR and they stick around and do whatever they can to help, that tells me a lot about them.
Life is just the employer, it's going to pay us for our efforts against the dragon. What wage have YOU set, how much effort are you prepared to give, we combine, or add it all up and we have an end result
Make no mistake, hepc is treatable, but the task that we need to give to achieve the wage will take thousands of people, millions of man hours and hundreds of millions of dollars.
Are you prepared to "Bear the Task" I am. I definitely am.
For those of us that have heard the words "I hate this disease" never forget that is energy. Emotion is energy and it has to be harnessed, focused, redirected to take that sword and cut that bastard dragons head off.
Someone you know dies get pissed, some you know and love, that are sick from hepc and suffering, use it.
We all shed the tears and feel the pain. but once that process is over, it's time to get off our asses and walk the walk.
As the poem says
"That any wage I had asked of life
Life would have willingly paid"
Well I know the wage I want to be paid, and I am accepting it in dragon hides only.
If not us, WHO? If not now, WHEN?
"We Are The Us And Now Is The Time"
Bolt your windows and lock your doors, cause this is going to get ugly quick.
From Lou;Host Of "OOB"

*REMEMBER * "Out Of Bounds Family"
Lou is still speaking to our hearts through my efforts here and everyone of us have the capability and the determination to make it a reality in our lifetime
Emotion is energy and it has to be harnessed, focused, redirected to take that sword and cut that bastard dragons head off.
Someone you know dies get pissed, some you know and love,that are sick from hepc and suffering, use it.
" I AM "
Kathi Host "OOB 1 Delphi & "http://hepcoutofbounds.org/"

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