Showing posts from 2009
"OOB" The Happy'ing Place
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What a fine example of living each and everyday to it's fullest . I like that trait in all people ! Along with your very colorful personalities which is very much appreciated around here, as you can tell we do have many talented and charismatic individuals that love their freedom and also sharing their lives to help others. I call them OOB's "Cream Of The Crop" You fit right into this amazing prism of light we live through and freely share with anyone who seeks it. "OOB" Out Of Bounds Out Of Bondage Out Of Body... The "OOB" EXPERIENCE Is A Happy'ing PLACE
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The Champion is always the first to know when the race is over. Waiting for change to happen in your life dulls your natural born instinct to survive and thrive. Push for excellence in yourself. There are no other options my friends and family that are fighting for their lives. You must do whatever is necessary to live your life to it's most wonderful capability. Each and every person I have had the privilege knowing here on our Website of love happiness, and most of all fun, each of you possess a fragment of brilliance with your own light, I see this light in you. The energy and emotion the love and respect of all different people I have so richly been blessed in knowing. I feel your struggle and your determination to help each other cope with some of life's most difficult times, for that we are all better people. I am aware of the depression I have seen lately and it could be seasonal or light deprivation or lack of motivation in some and it questions my thinking about the fa...
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Hello World & "OOB" Members Kicking it up a notch. Let's get our riot gear on OOB People are coming in droves looking for a home to call their own. "OOB" answers the door and lets you in no matter where you are or who you are, we stand proud to welcome you in the best hep c forum in Delphi ! We are number one in the chatrooms and on the messageboards Number one OOB !!!! I knew we were headed there and it is a fact today and from now on. People are looking for others to relate to. OOB is free from rules and free from bondage. Dare to be yourself and dare to be the unique individuals you are. We love new attitudes and perspectives. Delphi forums has been very stale in their hep c arena well that's over cause the best has come back for you. Do not be afraid of our strength, embrace it and keep some for yourself as you stand in the face of adversity and the face of the dragon we will help you destroy... Hep c has no chance here to survive as long as you figh...
Do For Others & Be Thankful
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“ Out Of Bounds” A forum and chat room for hepatitis c support, other patients sharing their own experiences in a friendly funny, and positive atmosphere , it is geared toward helping the newly diagnosed patient that is usually frightened and stigmatized in today's society as a drug addict or someone with past drug experiences. The 60's generation is who we are seeing so some of it is true , but many are just like the girl next door or the wild child getting a tattoo or body piercing just for fun. Everyone must take notice many people today are carrying the hepatitis c or b virus and have no idea. 500 million walk the earth and have no clue they are infected until the symptoms show up decades after the virus has attacked the liver, this causes 10 or 15 thousand people in the USA every year,to die from liver failure, kidney failure, heart attack, and liver cancer after the person develops cirrhosis. Teens today are at a greater risk than ever before This must be addressed to ...
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“Out Of Bounds” A forum and chat room for hepatitis c support, other patients sharing their own experiences in a friendly funny, and positive atmosphere , it is geared toward helping the newly diagnosed patient that is usually frightened and stigmatized in today's society as a drug addict or someone with past drug experiences. That is not all it's cut out to be as many people today are carrying the hepatitis c or b virus and have no idea. 500 million walk the earth and have no clue they are infected until the symptoms show up decades after the virus has attacked the liver, resulting in ten thousand people in the USA every year dying from liver failure, kidney failure, heart attack and liver cancer and diabetes all a direct result for having hep c. So many of theses deaths were unnecessary if they had known early on before cirrhosis does it's damage, approximately 20 to 30 years after the initial virus has been introduced. The chances of a full recovery are gre...
~The Best Are Here~
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You want to learn from experienced individuals some who have treated 2-6 times to kill the hep c virus? *Hitch Your Wagon To A Star* Get the very best of the best We Have What You're Looking For "OOB has skyrocketed to the top for the second time in the last five years Want to know why? Come See That's what I'm talkin about. Information overload can scare any newly diagnosed person from trying the treatments necessary to beat hep c. Some sites are all about copy and pasting information and that gets boring quick ! We teach in laughter and love how to find the strength to never give in or give up. That my friends is so very important for you to be successful I don't know any doctors or nurses that have fought the hep c battle harder than any one of us Positive determination and a place like no other on Delphi Come see for yourself. "Dare to be Different" Express yourself just as you are, no censorship or old folk rule...
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You want to learn from experienced individuals some who have treated 2-6 times to kill the hep c virus? We at "OOB" Are aproaching our sixth year of support and love we know our stuff ! That's what I'm talkin about. Information overload can scare any newly diagnosed person from trying the treatments necessary to beat hep c. We teach in laughter and love how to find the strength to never give in or give up. That my friends is so very important for you to be successful, I don't know any doctors or nurses that have fought the hep c battle harder than any one of us. Positive determination and a place like no other on Delphi Come see for yourself. "Dare to be Different" Express yourself just as you are no censorship or old folk rules to make you behave any different than the true person you are each person is unique and we embrace our "Freedom Of Speech" Welcome "Hep C Out Of Bounds" Has come bac...
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Happy Sunday morning "OOB" I want to personally thank everyone for their participation in our home ! You are the pulse behind "OOB" Every single person here is very unique , that's what makes us so irresistible to new people that find us no one wants to hang out with people that bring them down. Let misery love their own company, we are the go getters, the thinkers, the people everyone wants to be associated with. Freedom never felt so good to me than it does right now ! I'm so happy I am glowing ! We together have created the best and so many people have been coming here and reading our messages it is mind blowing ! Great Job everyone of you ! I am very proud to call you family. We are making a difference and we do it well. It seems others might be taking notice and coming here to see what we're up to ! It's really funny if you think about it ! You bring our home into the forefront of being the most fun place to be while going through tx or post tx ...
~Happiness Is~
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Happy Sunday morning "OOB" I want to personally thank everyone for their participation in our home ! You are the pulse behind "OOB" Every single person here is very unique , that's what makes us so irresistible to new people that find us no one wants to hang out with people that bring them down. Let misery love their own company, we are the go getters, the thinkers, the people everyone wants to be associated with. Freedom never felt so good to me than it does right now ! I'm so happy I am glowing ! We together have created the best and so many people have been coming here and reading our messages it is mind blowing ! Great Job everyone of you ! I am very proud to call you family. We are making a difference and we do it well. It seems others might be taking notice and coming here to see what we're up to ! It's really funny if you think about it ! You bring our home into the forefront of being the most fun place to be while going through tx or post tx ...
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Happy Sunday morning "OOB" I want to personally thank everyone for their participation in our home ! You are the pulse behind "OOB" Every single person here is very unique , that's what makes us so irresistible to new people that find us no one wants to hang out with people that bring them down. Let misery love their own company, we are the go getters, the thinkers, the people everyone wants to be associated with. Freedom never felt so good to me than it does right now ! I'm so happy I am glowing ! We together have created the best and so many people have been coming here and reading our messages it is mind blowing ! Great Job everyone of you ! I am very proud to call you family. We are making a difference and we do it well. It seems others might be taking notice and coming here to see what we're up to ! You bring our home into the forefront of being the most fun place to be while going through tx or post tx or future tx. That my friends is priceless ! ...
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Happy Sunday morning "OOB" I want to personally thank everyone for their participation in our home ! You are the pulse behind "OOB" Every single person here is very unique , that's what makes us so irresistible to new people that find us no one wants to hang out with people that bring them down. Let misery love their own company, we are the go getters, the thinkers, the people everyone wants to be associated with. Freedom never felt so good to me than it does right now ! I'm so happy I am glowing ! We together have created the best and so many people have been coming here and reading our messages it is mind blowing ! Great Job everyone of you ! I am very proud to call you family. We are making a difference and we do it well. It seems others are taking notice and coming here to see what we're up to ! You bring our home into the forefront of being the most fun place to be while going through tx or post tx ...
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The Founder of "Hep C Out Of Bounds" was more reserved than I am, and he left me in charge soooooo... Welcome to the Fun ! ~insert grinzzz~ Don't let that stop you from getting to know us because we believe in a censorship free world I am a firm believer in "LIVE" chatroom interaction with people that need a few hours a week to get away from the gloom and doom of chronic illness, reading messages is fine but the sense of belonging somewhere with people going through the same journey together is sure a lot more fun. My hope is to draw attention so we can make a difference in someone's life that impression has been made and hopefully it creates curiosity and sense of wanting to learn more because it is very interesting because we are "Blessed with the Best" Each day a different "OOB" Staff Member Writes a daily opening thread DOT that's where you will find the positive forces here the rest of us are looney as thrillbillies lol my pet n...
The Notorious & Glorious "OOB"
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The meaning and mission of "Hepc Out Of Bounds" I feel some things need to be addressed as far as the present and future of hep c out of bounds is concerned. We are growing at a reasonably good pace, word of mouth gets us a lot of new members and into a lot of controversy. Hey It's All Good ! Most importantly the "OOB Comedy Room" Fondly aka: The Notorious & Glorious "OOB Comedy Room" Our Chatrooms are the number one in all of Delphi, hands down we have the best online experience anywhere on the www. Our message board is very unique as well, many people are reading and I believe that has to do with our ability to open our hearts while sharing the most positive feedback we can with people that are truly looking for help. It is our responsibility to show the world we are genuinely equipped to guide them with our bravery and determination. Our members are very valuable to people that are searching for friends to relate with. OOB members focus on other...
The Heat Is On
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The Heat Is On ! "Out Of Bounds" IS The Number One { NOTORIOUS & GLORIOUS } Live Chatroom in all of Delphi Forums Be there if you dare We are standing room only on Thursday Friday Saturday nights !0 pm est.- Come laugh and meet people that are going to help you through the battle of your lifetime ! Hep C Out Of Bounds "OOB COMEDY ROOM" Hep C Out Of Bounds ll Addictive Behavior Forum (private access only) Hep C Out Of Bounds lll La Officina Privada HVC/HIV (private access) Our Goal Is To Help You Find friends communicate with Live Chat PEOPLE that have been there done that and positively reach out to you with open arms, as we walk in UNITY toward the END OF HEP C FOREVER Reinvent the sadness and pain into healing and living again "The Human Force God Created Us To Be" It's Right fadedjeenz@gmail.com
" The Future Is Now "
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The future is now, you are everything you were meant to be until this very moment, all life's trials are challenging us to strive and learn and be better people to the earth and every living creature that roams it. Every experience we have been through in life have made us the unique people we are today, every child that is given extra learning while playing will excel in anything they choose to do. This applies to adults as well, try using the other hand when doing normal daily chores and I believe doing this awakens neurons in the opposite side of the brain that were not being used. This conscious exercise daily builds and can possibly double your brain power. I think there are many people that could be somewhat depolarized by retraining the brain to excel and connect with the body. The so called bi polar condition could be solved without any medication whatsoever. Wouldn't that be wonderful ? I am not a doctor or nurse, I am interested in positive forces that we have yet to...
Change It Your Way
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You want it? The power of positive thinking can change your life ! Change is inevitable how we react to it are the keys to being a $ ucce $$ ! When we are born our environment plays a huge part in our adult life, things we have been told growing up or if we felt loved and so on, it jumps out of our subconscious when something triggers a response we don't have the answers to. It is our script that was written in the formative years that stays with us throughout our lives. We review it daily without realizing it in our subconscious mind. If a child grows up in a dysfunctional home he is likely to accept it as normal behavior, and then he rationalizes his own thought process with the negative force that is deeply ingrained in his brain. Therefore not being able to make the right judgements or decisions that come into play everyday. A gloom and doom personality feels safe with that feeling because it is recognized as seemingly normal to them. A person that continually whines about t...
Are You Ready
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Anyone that has had hep c and knows the side effects associated with TX has an advantage over the newly diagnosed individual, we know what to expect from the first or second round and accept it because this is the only way to kill the hep c virus until further research has been done with the new drugs available. Is it prudent to wait ? only you can judge the pro's and con's of your own life and your own power to force hep c into undetectability. (Forever) No one can make the decision that YOU will have to live with. But You ! TX has caused more problems for some people than they had before, and I look at as a trade off, I knew my thyroid could be damaged by TX I knew Ribavirin could cause heart problems by thickening of the walls and feeling breathless. I knew there was a chance of further liver damage and or HCC, and when I weighed these facts in with the thought of being cirrhotic and perhaps never clearing the virus I forged on, and on, again. Six times I went into b...