
The Champion is always the first to know when the race is over. Waiting for change to happen in your life dulls your natural born instinct to survive and thrive. Push for excellence in yourself. There are no other options my friends and family that are fighting for their lives. You must do whatever is necessary to live your life to it's most wonderful capability. Each and every person I have had the privilege knowing here on our Website of love happiness, and most of all fun, each of you possess a fragment of brilliance with your own light, I see this light in you. The energy and emotion the love and respect of all different people I have so richly been blessed in knowing. I feel your struggle and your determination to help each other cope with some of life's most difficult times, for that we are all better people. I am aware of the depression I have seen lately and it could be seasonal or light deprivation or lack of motivation in some and it questions my thinking about the fact are we really helping ? Holiday blues? We know the drill. Please post if you are having a difficult time we all want to help you. I posted a grrr message about people that are chronic complainers but in no way intended it for you all my friends, I should have written it more directly my badness. If you've been through the mill well your halfway out to the other side ! " Everyone of you are Champions" You have been here helping others with your own strength sharing positive and forward motion, holding nothing back you have the power in your mind to limitless and untapped territory if you just "Believe" the mind is the gift that God created to inhabit the earth what we choose to do with the gift is up to us. It doesn't matter where you are or where you came from, or even what blood borne illness brought us here what matters is where we are going , poets musicians writers and artists all have powerful voices to reach the world . Write to them invite them to "OOB"

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