Are You Ready

Anyone that has had hep c and knows the side effects associated with TX has an advantage over the newly diagnosed individual, we know what to expect from the first or second round and accept it because this is the only way to kill the hep c virus until further research has been done with the new drugs available.
Is it prudent to wait ? only you can judge the pro's and con's of your own life and your own power to force hep c into undetectability. (Forever)
No one can make the decision that YOU will have to live with.
But You !
TX has caused more problems for some people than they had before, and I look at as a trade off, I knew my thyroid could be damaged by TX I knew Ribavirin could cause heart problems by thickening of the walls and feeling breathless.
I knew there was a chance of further liver damage and or HCC, and when I weighed these facts in with the thought of being cirrhotic and perhaps never clearing the virus I forged on, and on, again.
Six times I went into battle for my life and I won the war on hep c .
I have trouble expressing my feelings to you as so many are on TX right now and some others have relapsed and it kills us to hear that word...
It makes me furious that people shoot the drugs and take the insanely grotesque amount of Ribavirin all throughout treatment and then be told it came back.
My heart goes out to all of you that have been let down. My anger is centered in the pitts of hell with the devil and I'm not following him anywhere. So what do we do ?
We tighten up our attitude and saddle our stallions and ride again into the dragon's lair and we swiftly cut his heart out and bring it back for all to see.
That is in effect what I am still doing here after being undetected for more than two years, I have enough Riba rage to kill thousands apon thousands of dragons, and their offspring. I want this SOB in extinction. I want you to get ready for a trip with me OOB it's on !
Nano sized virus has definitely f'ked with the wrong person.
Take all the great accomplishments you've done in your lifetime and make a list.
At the bottom leave a number there until you win the war on hep c because we never give in and we never give up, hep c isn't for the fainthearted it's for the strongest warriors in the land and it will be defeated !!!
"OOB Is Powered By GOD"
"When you walk with HIM you're never alone"
All my love to the people that need our help, come chat . we'll think of a way to make you smile !

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