There is good in everyone
When you are born so very innocent in the world there are no feelings of danger, hatred, fear, guilt, depression, anger.
We were born with a clean slate that took impressions of the bad things in the world, over time people turn cynical and doubtful of their own feelings, but deeply ingrained inside that small child lives as long as we live, keeping in touch with your inner child no matter if you have been incarcerated or in drug rehab, or in the pits of desperation that child is still an innocent and beautiful creation of God
Helping others that simply do not have the support of family or friends, hep c isn't the end. In a way we have found the key to success while fighting the virus is helping out when you have some free time, you will grow from the experience and get yourself some very important information regarding side effects associated with the treatments, with a new positive outlook helping you to be happier and therefore healthier person while taking the very strong medicines it takes to kill the dragon.

Something we have become aware of recently , the numbers of people affected by hep c has changed from the blood transfused person being diagnosed to the IV drug user . Well that got the wheels in motion and my thinking on this matter is people that abuse drugs or alcohol are people that are self medicating painful past experiences, and the way out seems to be by " using. "
In the last year alone, the problem seems to be escalating as more people are suffering very deep emotional disturbances.
Take the past emotional problems, coupled with hep c , mix some Interferon , little over half of the people will clear the virus and recover from it, and get back to life and some others will find depression sneaks up on them again.
I don't have any stats to prove this, but I can assure you it is rampant in the hep c community.

If you have a friend or loved one suffering addictive personality disorders or depression from hep c or from treatment, come talk to us, we may be the gentle hug you needed all along.

" I know you want to help and you can by turning your anger and frustration back on the dragon, by helping others defeat him. "

 Hep c Out Of Bounds is still in progress, and it is open for you to join.
Thank You; Kat / OOB
My deepest apology to my friend Paul
This had nothing to do with your personally

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