" Love You Like No Other "

All of now
The bright sun shines in the clear blue sky. Shimmering waves glisten on a restless sea.

Beauty fills the world. Possibility fills your life.

The problems are real. Yet in each one is the opportunity to move forward.

This sparkling moment is one of a kind. Take it in with love and with gratitude, and remember to live it fully.

This magical mystery that is your life knows only the limits you choose to give it. In the heart of your spirit you can experience anything you decide to experience.

Life is in all of now. See it, feel it and know it as it fills you with wonder and joy.

~ Ralph Marston~

Good Morning It's Friday "Out Of Bounds"
Nice view isn't it ?
Hows the view from your place in the world, are you at peace in your heart? or in a constant battle trying to count the stars (again) get a mirror, take a real close look at who you are, do you like what you see, are you as productive as you can be ? Look beyond the physical, and deep into your eyes because those are the windows to the soul. Capture that picture in your mind and nurture it take your best qualities, and work harder on them, awaken to a new idea and a greater you !
When our time on earth is up what lasting thing will people remember you for?
Is it your way of showing others you care about them ? Or is it your brilliance that will leave an effect after you leave the room?
Maybe it could be the fact that we have all been here together encouraging others to do their very best toward living life to the fullest, yes that's how I would like to be remembered.
Our world is changing so quickly and I'm positive no one knows the true outcome of things to be, we must do the best with what we have right now !
Today, reach out past your goals and you will find the answers . Shoot for the moon at least you'll hit a star.
Push yourself to greater knowledge study and teach others the simple fact of human kindness.
Tonight we are having a get together at 7:00 Pm For our (Lala) She is beginning her third treatment tonight and we want to be there for her, come join in if you can, and also at 11:00 pm "OOB COMEDY ROOM " Opens for fun fun fun !!!
Bring mops and buckets people this is gonna get messy quick ! so Lou....
I love to laugh and make others laugh even at my own expense ! Come see us and bring some jokes
"quickies" the long ones aren't for chats .
Can you say focus boys and girls?
Kathi Host (OOB) "Hep C Out Of Bounds"

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