"OOB" Style"

Awesome Sunday post Crow, your magically whimsical personality sure shines brightly here in our home and we bask in the glow of each others wit and charm.
Hello who wouldn't ? lol
"I believe that quality"
is what put "OOB" back on top where it belongs, along with our members loyalty and resolve to simply make a difference in someone's life by showing up.
We left this place for three years and had our own website. Now in less than one years time we have breathed the life back into the most beautiful and blessed
"OOB" that ever was!
"OOB" is absolutely the best thing that happened to me when I came to Delphi looking for help and acceptance and we all hear it in chats or email, the small differences
we help each other see
is the magic of OOB.
If you want what we have, all you need to do is read and get the vibe of "FREEDOM" running through your mind, and you too will understand the pulse behind "OOB'S" driven passion to help you make better choices and changes in your own world .
Is there anything better than reaching out a little bit further and touching the fingertips of a person who is lost and afraid ?
Making that first connection must be one that leaves an impression on them good or bad or ugly doesn't matter...
The key is getting attention first...
I had a wonderful teacher that showed me the way
We are all God's children and he shows us the way if we follow him.
Crow you inspired me today thank you !
Love; Kat
May Sarton:
without darkness
Nothing comes to birth,
As without light
Nothing flowers.

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