
Showing posts from July, 2010

My Angel


"Thankfully Accepting Miracles"

Today I've learned how to pray Thank you Our Father whom art in heaven hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread thank you and forgive us our tresspasses thank you as we forgive those who tresspass against us thank you and lead us not into temptation thank you and deliver us from evil thank you For thine is the kingdom, the glory, and the power forever and ever thank you Amen Love is so very abundant and blessings are within us, to share with you All the glory goes to HIM Our Father Love; Kat Host of Delphi "Hep c Out Of Bounds"

Tattered Garden By: Chuck

Good morning my friends, You know, I just took a walk in my garden. Not the usual walk where I look for problems that need to be addressed, but instead I actually LOOKED at it and what a surprise it was! I mean, mother nature wasn’t exactly kind to this garden, beating it with high winds, hail and heavy rains in between the long hot days that seemed to virtually sap the very life out of everything. But I kept working on this thing, giving it all the love I could and doing the little things I can to keep it going. In a way, plants are a lot like people. They have this incredible desire to live and a seemingly endless determination that overwhelms the problems they face as if there was really no problem at all. And the other thing that amazed me was the appearance of the many creatures that desire to share an oasis of this type. Bee’s are abounding and there are incredible butterflies fluttering around in the flowers. There are humming birds and for that matter, hummingbird moths floatin...

Diamonds In The Rough

Thank you Chuck, For your beautiful insight , you and I have been through a lot over the last few years, the good the bad and the rebirth of a new wave of helping others learn how to empower their own lives. That's the gift ! Positively showing unconditional love by giving it all we can to hopefully change the way people deal with chronic illnesses, a snag or two every now and then is expected and dealt with swiftly to get us right back on track toward healing the pain and stigma associated with having hep c. I am so proud of you for stepping up to the plate every single week without fail you my dear friend have been a guiding light in "OOB" for all who come here to hear your message of nature's finest gifts . Loyalty and determination are things I admire most in people and you show people by your wonderful writing just how it's done. It doesn't get any better than that love Chuck, I want you to know how much we love you as well. (You are the diamond) Hep c Wa...

" I'll Be There "

Good Friday afternoon "OOB" Here goes the real dirt the raw emotions of a woman that will fight to the death for you to make it to SVR. I am working very hard on the book now since my attention span has returned and I'll just let you have it as it comes as well straight from the heart. "In The Raw" I opened my heart to all of you, you in turn have done the same and we together have built the most amazing website for people with blood borne illness in the world. We never tried to be the biggest...just the best and I'm telling you we are most certainly the best ! We get down and out at times we're human, but when you surround yourselves with truth and compassion for others there is no time to feel sorry for yourself. Only time to share each others stories of conviction and determination it takes to help you along the way. I believe everything that happens to each and every one of us is written in the book of life way before we are born it is our mission on...

Wanted Dead Or Alive Dragon Hides

As you can probably tell we are still the strongest warriors on the planet and I am running with the torch Lou carried for four years. He always said he kept going because he was grooming me the whole time to be the ONE without me there was no "OOB" I'd smile and carry on never truly believing that because it takes the purest love and dedication to keep on keepin on for all of Gods Children and I'm blessed daily for any tiny difference I've made. Divine Inspiration and Unconditional Love is key creating change for others that are coming looking for help with HCV. I did not want this responsibility you gotta be nuts to keep fighting after you've won the war, but how could I leave my comrades behind, injured alone afraid depressed, it isn't in me to take off when everythings good in my life no way, would I ever turn my back on any person faced with a chronic blood borne illness. " Queen of Hep C " isn't very glamorous I must say but I am comman...

Way To Go !

For 10 years I have pursued this dream of a cure. I have been mocked, ridiculed, thought to be a mongo J. Honestly, I do not care. I have yakked of going with the flow, First, the old philosophers were right that the way to live your life is from the future backwards. If you start off where you are now, and imagine what you’d like to do, you’ll get muddled and find yourself being driven by different impulses in different directions. If you just go with the flow of what comes naturally, you will look back in ten years, or thirty, or sixty, and shake your head and realize you were going round and round in confused circles. But if you have a goal and are consciously trying to work towards it your character will develop, so that you actually start to want new things, to enjoy new things, to develop new habits. And that’s the second point they got right. Virtue isn’t about struggling to obey a whole bunch of rules. It’s about practicing the habits of heart and mind and life which will for...