Wanted Dead Or Alive Dragon Hides

As you can probably tell we are still the strongest warriors on the planet and I am running with the torch Lou carried for four years.
He always said he kept going because he was grooming me the whole time to be the ONE without me there was no "OOB"
I'd smile and carry on never truly believing that because it takes the purest love and dedication to keep on keepin on for all of Gods Children and I'm blessed daily for any tiny difference I've made.
Divine Inspiration and
Unconditional Love
is key creating change for others that are coming looking for help with HCV.
I did not want this responsibility you gotta be nuts to keep fighting after you've won the war, but how could I leave my comrades behind, injured alone afraid depressed, it isn't in me to take off when everythings good in my life no way, would I ever turn my back on any person faced with a chronic blood borne illness.
" Queen of Hep C "
isn't very glamorous
I must say but I am commanded to do my very best with all of
God's Children
no matter how I catch their attention.
Strange thing he opened the doors of "OOB" on the same day of the same month he passed 4 years later.
I know some might say coincidence .
Not me, I know there's a miracle and I am one of them.
We both had cleared hep c and were very busy on all points bulletins alert I managing all the websites we have and he was the politician banging the pavement and knocking down the doors of senators, governors, and anywhere else he could think to make a change for people with this nano killer virus.
Mass. Hep C Meetings with Doc A. and all the great things he did for all of us will not go unnoticed as long as I'm alive.
Etched in my heart forever.
There is no such thing as coincidence everything happens for a reason and "OOB" has you back home now.
"Welcome Home"
you have been missed.
Omg I almost typed punked just to be funny, you remember the love
and all the laughter, there's plenty more where that came from.
What a wonderful post to see today I'm very happy to see you again stay as long as you like, forever is good !
nahhh let's kill some dragons.
It's a lot more fun !
Love; Kat "Hep C Out Of Bounds"
Let's make a difference in someones life

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