Tattered Garden By: Chuck

Good morning my friends,
You know, I just took a walk in my garden. Not the usual walk where I look for problems that need to be addressed, but instead I actually LOOKED at it and what a surprise it was!
I mean, mother nature wasn’t exactly kind to this garden, beating it with high winds, hail and heavy rains in between the long hot days that seemed to virtually sap the very life out of everything. But I kept working on this thing, giving it all the love I could and doing the little things I can to keep it going.
In a way, plants are a lot like people. They have this incredible desire to live and a seemingly endless determination that overwhelms the problems they face as if there was really no problem at all.
And the other thing that amazed me was the appearance of the many creatures that desire to share an oasis of this type. Bee’s are abounding and there are incredible butterflies fluttering around in the flowers. There are humming birds and for that matter, hummingbird moths floating about and adding beauty to what nature has already done as they go about the business of survival themselves, doing what they do to live and bringing joy to those who see them even though they have no idea that this is the case.
To me, there’s a feeling of peace and wonder when I observe nature and it has been far to long since I’ve done so. Now I feel recharged and ready to face whatever life might bring.
At times I wonder how this simple little walk could create such a peace and I think one of the reasons is that if someone really looks at the beauty of nature, if one really sees the reality beneath the wonder, then one realizes how we are a part of this wonderful thing called life. We are a part of this place called Earth and we are all interconnected with the plant and animal life around us yet we hardly see it.
So if you can find the time this week, take a moment to find your oasis. Really look at what is there. Breathe in the life that abounds all around us. See the beauty that is nature and once you get over the wonder then you too will feel that inner peace that I mentioned. You too will see the interaction of all things. You too will understand that even the worst of problems can be looked at differently. And as you take in that breath of life and your soul becomes recharged, then you too will find that inner peace and strength that you need to get you through!
I think I’ll go take another walk in that garden . . .

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