Louis Buratti Gone But Never Forgotten

Hiya "OOB" I hope this Saturday is one of fun and pleasure for all of you, if it ain't right fix it.
We are grateful for waking up with a new attitude and a new start for the rest of our lives. I know I am reinventing myself in constant change for the better !
Wheeeeeeeeee got the attitude and the guts it takes to be winners, no matter if we are clear of hep c or not, our hearts and minds are pumped and excited to be living each day to it's absolute fullest potential I love that, because when we were so young and dumb it never entered our minds that we must be focused and determined to survive because we all think we're invincible at that time in our lives, it takes maturity and some fucked up news we have been infected with a virus before we make the changes in our life to live the best we can and always focusing on today right now....
If things aren't as wonderful as you would like in your life, it is up to you to make the changes necessary to be closer to your higher power or be closer to your family and friends, because the people that love you are the best geiger counters and can detect when you are living the best you can.
People in "OOB" also have that capability to sense when something is off kilter, and hopefully give themselves as sounding boards to listen and always attempt to show you in a more positive atmosphere how to become a winner !
"OOB FAMILY" You are the most important group of people I've ever known and you continually without fail always stand up for others that haven't learned to stand for themselves yet.
You are valued beyond words, and your reward isn't here on this planet, it is when we all stand before God and tell him how much we gave to help HIS CHILDREN.
I love you beyond mere words, I love you for life !!!!
In loving memory of our dear Louis Buratti that got to travel on to the higher more beautiful world 2 years ago today
I dedicate this to you
" Love doesn't consist of gazing into each others eyes but always looking forward in the same direction"
Love you "OOB" Kathi

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