Colorado Aspens By: Chuck

Good morning my friends,
I’m quite sure your doing well or at least as good as you can be! I now have a visual and yes, fall is approaching in our little valley as is evidenced by the aspens as they turn golden and march slowly down the peaks toward us.
It really is interesting to watch an advancement of this type just because it gives one an actual visual of just what nature is doing. At times it’s hard to perceive the workings of nature, mainly because she does so much in the background. Unless we are aware of her, we really don’t see the miracles of life being performed all around us every day.
Even as we breathe it’s hard to actually see the interaction that takes place between the trees and other green stuff. Were it not for the trees we wouldn’t have a lot of oxygen to breathe and likewise if it weren’t for us humans, those trees wouldn’t have what we breathe out to work with.
But the main thing is that whether we are aware of nature or not, she still works her magic all around us. It’s the magic of life that I speak of. And it’s so wonderful to live in the midst of it, to feel the power that flows about us.
These are things to remember as we plod along the path of tx, for when nature decides that there is something inharmonious within us, she will strive to fix it.
I think tx in large part is a way of teaching nature what must be removed from our bodies in order for us to remain harmonious. But this must be some kind of conundrum to nature since in order for us to be harmonious, another creature must be destroyed.
But this is how nature works for you see, sometimes there is a bit of destruction needed in order to meet a larger plan and when it comes to the dragon, nature always wants to rid us of the beast.
So never think that what you are doing when you fight the dragon is anything but miraculous. Never believe that it’s not a fight worth doing for when you fight the dragon you are helping nature to achieve a more harmonious you. You are becoming a part of the fight that always goes on in the endless cycles of the world but most importantly you are creating the building blocks for your future. Your showing nature that you intend to be a harmonious part of her and when you show her that my friends, then you create a power that cannot be turned away.
Never give up on yourself or your fight and nature in turn will never give up on you.
Have a wonderful week my friends,
Chuck & "OOB"

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