Showing posts from November, 2010
The Compassion Through Adversity
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Being sick/makes you better Aren't we a smart bunch? Street smart, smart assed or book learned and well read, there is an intelligence, an enlightened wisdom that sweats from the skin of the Heppers in general and of the OOBERS in particular. Time and again I am truly amazed at the wisdom I see here, we all seem so bright!! Real flourescent lights!! Yea baby, tell me it isn't so. Why is it that heppers seem so smart all the time?? Don't we have the right and the duty to blow our own horns, to celebrate ourselves and our sickness , to show others our resolove, our acceptance, our desire to take up arms , to TX ? To show the world a cured hepper, that is my goal. I guess having hep or any disease is a way of hitting bottom and we all know how great it is to touch down,mmm, lol, but... It's all up hill from there, it will get better and you know , it does, one way or another. Win,lose or draw, this TX experience makes us wise, the meds scramble our twisted brain ...
We Are The World
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Hey "OOB" Love that attitude and compassion you share every single day. I could not do this without you. I'm posting in the hep c latest info file something that will hopefully help you understand what a small part we actually have done so far as in helping people make it through their treatments and beyond. Everytime I say "Can you hear them coming?" Well theres proof we are in position to help as many as possible when that time arrives, and believe me when Telaprevir hits the streets we will be busier than ever before sooooo grab your asses and smile this is going to be a lot more fun with so many people being able to clear and cure hep c !!! I'm praying it will be used for non responders down the line, I'm sure they are ironing the kinks out before retrying past tx'ers. They need all of us for better living and healing. YAY I'm ready are you ? Saddle up the strongest stallions, and bring out the best of what we all have to offer, knowi...
Crow's Antics "OOB" Style
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That's it Daily Opening RANT, Kritters, Actually it's a cheap attention grabber. So shoot me, nowdays you have to shake your booty and use every gimmick you/me/we can to get our message across-oops what message ? indeed ! My message is a massage, I would like to be cause free and not have to have a cause, but I guess I have become a HEP BERET, one of the proud, the few the battle scarred elite, well you are all part of the same gang. What makes us different at OOB ? Our biggest asset is our people, for some reason OOB attracts an eclectic, wacky, smart (ASS) , funny, fun loving pack of deviants (hey I didnt say SEXUAL-yet) you will not find another bunch like this, and I have seen several variations of the theme arise over the past year and its always a similar bunch who coalese and stick, like a giant snowball. Enough of this, we all know this, its obvious, ain't it ? But its weird too. Do you feel it too ? The unique pull, we are like bi polar magnets, dynamos a hummin...
The Best Hep C Support in the USA & Canada
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HEP C "OUT OF BOUNDS" HepC Out of Bounds is a support forum for those with or concerned about Hepatitis C, we are here for you and we have been there/done that before. We will share our experiences with you to guide you into making the best choices available for you to succeed in living as healthy as possible with hep c or beating hep c into undetectability forever. It's time for a change and "Hep C Out Of Bounds" has come back for you. Positive thoughts and actions are key in living with any illness until we defeat it ! We are in our fifth year of hep c support and as always the best we have to offer, come check it out and you'll see for yourself. Chat rooms are running fulltime, we are open as " OOB Comedy Room" on Friday and Saturday nights at 10:00 pm. est. There is nothing better than a positive friend to talk to while you are deciding on your future, one who knows the treatments available, and has done them first hand. We welcome anyone suffe...
"Someone Is Always On Your Side" By; Greg
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There is a good chance that everyone reading this has undergone treatment,is undergoing treatment,attempted or are contemplating treatment . I am constantly bombarded by questions about aspects of treatment that somewhere along the line certain facets were not discussed or stressed enough during early doctor visits. Going thru treatment may bring along some friends that are rarely mentioned and some times ignored by the Doctors in which we place our trust. For newcomers by and large the treatment is good, the information is sometimes poor. All too often a common circumstance is the spouse who was supportive in the beginning, becomes less enthusiastic as time goes on due to the lovely bunch we've all become. We are at war inside our bodies and casualties are bound to happen. We are not the people we were before we started and are desperately trying to live up to the person we used to be. Relationships are stretched to the breaking point, because the untreated spouse has very little ...
Chuck's Inspirational Message Of Love
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Good morning my friends, I hope you had a good day and night last night, safe from all of the ghouls and goblins! You know, I was feeling a little curious about myself and wondering just why I make it a point and consider it a privilege to write a message to you once a week. And the answer rang out quite simply to me. Because I’ve been there. Because I’ve experienced the nightmare of hepatitis C. Because I believe in never leaving anyone behind as they fight for their lives. And because once a week I realize again the power that flows through this place. "OOB" At times I wish I could interact with all of you just a bit more then this single weekly message, but unfortunately, with the way my world is right now, I can’t. It’s not that I don’t want to or that I place more importance on the other projects that I am working on, it’s just that I live in a world we call the village. We have done exactly what I said people will do in a recession. Banded together with those who migh...