It is with very deep sadness that I come to you with the news that my co host of the last four years has passed away unexpectedly. His name is Lou Buratti and he has done more for the hepatitis c community than most ever think of doing. He will be missed by thousands of people that we have helped over the years. We both defeated the hep c virus and were a very positive force in the hep c community. This loss of life as we know is temporary as we will meet again in heaven at a later time. Lou Buratti was a very intelligent and caring man, and absolutely the most wonderful person I have ever been blessed knowing. I will continue our dream of loving and supporting anyone going through the journey of treatments and making sure that quality of life is the best it can be for you the hep c sufferer. His life will always be remembered and cherished because he was one in ten million, and he gave everything he could to helping others. He is now a legend and I will carry his torch f...
As I read all of your true concerns for me and for Lou, I am listening and learning from all of you. I know everything that has happened in the past and it was very painful for both of us. That is why he built for me, to protect me from all of this heartache. I am strong, and I am very fragile as I go through the forum and allow these people to at least have their last say. I want it to be a healing time for all of us no matter how difficult it is for me, this is about the man I cherished, and he taught me real love for all people. As all of you know he was a brilliant man. I think people felt threatened by his genius because everyone wants to be intelligent and gifted as Lou, no one could ever fill his shoes and it must be taken as an opportunity to make this place better than ever before by finding the good in everyone. So with his death I will hopefully teach some of his love to you and to the people that tried so hard to hurt him. ...
You're most likely asleep, I feel you anyway. The radar is good this time of night. Years ago I began using the term Warrior when supporting folks going thru tx. I sincerely doubt I was the first, but I needed a word-they needed a goal, an ideal. Most of you know the story, I just sort fell into a large void, full of desire and absolutely no idea how to put it to use. I was guided to this keyboard, blessed with the right words at the right time. I would finish with someone and think back, realizing I had the right words at the right time. It is truly amazing how easily people will suspend disbelief when they are ill or weak. The beauty of the word Warrior is its fluidity, it defies a solid definition. Warrior was an idea woven through life and literature. Think I started with Le Morte D'Arthur by Sir Thomas Malory. For those of you not burdened with a Catholic high school education or a degree in English literature, it consists of the definitive collection of the tale...