Crow's Antics "OOB" Style

That's it
Daily Opening RANT, Kritters,
Actually it's a cheap attention grabber.
So shoot me, nowdays you have to shake your booty and use every gimmick you/me/we can to get our message across-oops what message ? indeed !
My message is a massage, I would like to be cause free and not have to have a cause, but I guess I have become a HEP BERET, one of the proud, the few the battle scarred elite, well you are all part of the same gang.
What makes us different at OOB ?
Our biggest asset is our people, for some reason OOB attracts an eclectic, wacky, smart (ASS) , funny, fun loving pack of deviants (hey I didnt say SEXUAL-yet) you will not find another bunch like this, and I have seen several variations of the theme arise over the past year and its always a similar bunch who coalese and stick, like a giant snowball.
Enough of this, we all know this, its obvious, ain't it ?
But its weird too. Do you feel it too ?
The unique pull, we are like bi polar magnets, dynamos a hummin' as we pry and pick our ways into and out of our collective collectivity.
This makes us a band, a city, a state,
a bannana republic.
A something, WE ARE, WE EXIST OOB , independent, as a force for good in the universe.
We are almost a planet, maybe we are a star and don't know it yet! Okay, I know I am getting off into lala land.
Tough luck. Its my dork baby, and you dont have to read it if its so painful !
I hope we all have good hobbies to keep us busy. I am sure we do, being the busy beavers we are, I know there's bakers and planters like Kathi, and lots of horse riders, harley riders, musicians,
God knows what we get up to when we think no one is watching.
This is good , hobbies keep you young , interested and interesting to the opposite sex , or the same sex whatever.
So thats is my THEME- hobbies.
I want us all to appreciate our free time and to think about the fun part , the cool things we all love to do.
We dont have to be good at it, if its fun who cares, as long as no one gets hurt badly.
I love to fool around on the puter and to write and record my little songs. I know they suck, but it has kept me going through a lot of trying times and this is just one more trying time basically.
So with that intro heres a particularly bad video/song, it only took a few hours to do so what the hell, I enjoyed it and thats what counts.
I hope you all have a great week, post a lot at OOB, come to chat, and try to bug each other for fun cause isnt that what brothers and sisters do ?
Use each others cool stuff without asking and try to bug the other, all in GOOD FUN.
At least thats the way it is in my
here at OOB isnt gonna be any different,
Is it ?
Now go take a powder !
Crow Of "OOB"

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