"OOB" WARRIOR mggieblue

I only need to watch the news for a short few minutes to be reminded of how random life really is. sure i have a tendency to over think but my depth is clouded lately by a chance of storminess and interferon tornadoes, riba rumblings and the hope of another yet ever so powerful drug to play havoc with a very small invader.
We wage war everyday, with our virusses, our thoughts, our world and its troubles, our minds hyper foccussing, our little issues and the big ones...so how does one make sense of it all. a bull crosses the road and a travelling stranger let into the next life by a bad second bit of timing.....so as i wander through my world, watching and listening with the only eyes and ears I can perceive this all through I am constantly reminded of what keeps us going. I have always, when struggling tried to find the good in every day. Even if its a small wild ripe strawberry by the roadside or a twinkle in an old mans eye as you smile at him for no reason but to do it. Why do i do this type of thing particularly when things seem the worse? perhaps survival, perhaps I am the eternal optimist, perhaps it doesnt matter a bit but it works. It sustains me. I have found that without the connections of kindred spirits I cannot find much purpose in life so i have to go deeper from what i can see and hear to what I feel. This connection comes to me with stangers in cyber space and with folks I meet who may show a knowing, telling, sigh...yes they have struggled too and they are here keeping their chins up despite and perhaps in celebration of it all
Yes we fight everyday, virusses, wars, spouses, children, politicians, kids on the ball field, and we find hope every day either through, love, faith, optimism, and laughter and even sometimes grief....to name just a few, other wise our hearts will wither...and our smiles fade...purpose being feft by the roadside with the weeds....
whatever makes your juices flow..... kindred spirits.... in the flow of gratitude I find these things here at oob to help me share the collective juices of positive energy and love that sustain me far more than food. This collective stuff cant be seen on TV, cant be measured or analyzed, but it can bring forth change and peace in a heart or a lost soul...it is that powerful.
So here is a toast my friends, a water toast...hahaha to drugs so powerful they blow our minds and bodies and virusses (hopefully to smitherines),
to kindred spirits with the love that binds us all however different to our sameness,
to hope that the wars we find in our existence will settle to a peacefull resolve,
to those that came before us and left us with the connections we cherish that pulled us to this place in time.
I toast you all and hope you find the good in this Thursday. Somewhere I know you will. If you look or listen. Keep you heart open.....
with much Love and silliness,
mggieblue & "OOB"

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