"The Race For The Cure Is On"

Great Wednesday "OOB"
& those who consider yourselves OOB'ers as well !
2011 is right around the corner
and change is in the air~~~~ I LOVE CHANGE
"Out with the old and in with the new"
People getting their lives back after long treatments they will feel alive again and newbies standing in line for Telaprevir will be coming here
Like a breath of fresh air or a new idea
2011 is going to be the best one yet ! I love the smell of a fresh rain or snow it is God's way of cleaning the air and the earth and watering the trees that provide our oxygen, purifying the earth for many future generations
Oh I know that's a ways off but preparing for winter to be over with keeps me pretty busy, getting healthier and working out.
I'm not a quitter even after 6 years of tx and breast cancer I'm healthier than I've been in a long time, because I make myself do it for me and my family. AND YOU CAN TOO !
I am more determined than ever to get my story out there to people that need to know that a lady from Kentucky knows the fear and the anger associated with hep c and it's after affects on peoples psyche causing severe depression and raging mental disorders of every kind. ... self inflictors and abusers, users, and a desperation to feel like you belong somewhere in the world, because the world doesn't want to know hep c will exist in their families as well.
It's real and it lives here in "OOB" along with the most caring people you will ever meet in the world.
Freedom of speech has been abused here lately and believe me it's nothing new......love us or hate us.
I hope they don't scare you away because the lesson here is the fact the LIVER is called the anger organ for a reason.... it makes otherwise sweet and caring people turn on each other for frivolous reasons and showing their ugliness is an escape route like a venting zone it is sad but true you can read it in some of our messages, I must apologize before you read some of the content here because it comes from people all over the world and it is one of a kind in the hep c arena I can assure you !!!
If you are new here please keep reading you will find someone you love !
Kat & "OOB"

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