Chucks Wonderful Message Of Hope

Now, onto the week ahead. I know that at times it can feel like we’re in the midst of a monumental storm when we enter the realm of the dragon. It’s just so darn confusing and at times it seems like we’re fighting with every ounce of our strength just to see the other side of it. Just to live like we did before we realized that we had this disease to rid ourselves of.
To me, memories of the past can be either a blessing or a curse. The blessing is those fond memories of happy events in our lives or days when we felt life was just wonderful.
The curse can be if we look to deeply at the past because this brings about a desire to have things as they were. It reminds us of how happy we were before we discovered the evil dragon. And this can bring about a kind of sadness that we just don’t need when we are in the battle for our lives.
If this ever happens to you then I might suggest a new approach. Looking to the future. Many think that the future is static or that it cannot be changed. I beg to differ with that belief. The future is really a manifestation of what we do right now, in the present.
Every action that we take today will define what happens tomorrow. So really, if you keep fighting and believing in yourself then you are creating a future that sees the benefits of that fight. And so long as your true to yourself then you can look forward to that future that your creating right now with every shot and every pill that might have to be taken. With every emotion that must be overcome. With every side effect that must be dealt with.
So if it were me, I would look to that future with confidence and a belief that one day, my world will be much as it was before I began this fight. And it really will be with one major difference.
You will have grown so much because of what your doing right now. You’ll understand the value of life and see it in a way that you might never have seen it before. Although this is a trying time in our lives, it’s also a time of internal growth. A time where the future does hold some promise. Some hope for a better tomorrow.
So tread the path of tx thinking not so much of the discomforts you might be feeling right now but rather of the future that your creating with every step taken on the path that will free you of the dragon.
And if your future doesn’t turn out quite like you hoped it would, then don’t lose hope. Instead use all that you’ve learned in this fight to better understand that really there is no end to it so long as we never lose hope and never give up. This is the time to believe in ourselves and to remember that although we have major input into our futures, there are still those things that we cannot always change.
But so long as we keep our eyes on the true goal which is the love of life, then we really never loose. No, we just realize that no matter what, we will enjoy each day that we have and always keep our eye on the future where there is hope for a better tomorrow and an understanding that our new life will be there waiting for us so long as we believe it to be true.
Have a wonderful week,

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