Good morning my friends,
For so many, the battle continues. The fight is constant and at times it can seem so very overwhelming in light of what we must put ourselves through in order to win our lives back. Though it’s a worthwhile fight, it’s still one that can seem so endless as we work through it.
It’s important to remember the reasons why we’re willing to do this because these reasons are not only what makes us human, it’s also what makes us incredible humans.
You see, we have to make a kind of peace with ourselves in order to achieve a thing that otherwise might not be so achievable. We have to understand our love for life and we have to keep our reasons for continuing on with the battle close to the heart lest we lose our momentum or even the very belief in ourselves that got us to begin the journey in the first place.
As the time passes we must never lose that resolve that got us going. We must never lose the hope that keeps us fighting. We must never lose our reasons for fighting.
For me it was easy to define. You see, when I was first diagnosed I was angry! Not at myself or at what I had to do but rather I was angry at the very beast that had chosen to hide itself within me and try to slowly kill me. I was angry at the fact that I had been carrying this dreaded disease without knowing it for so long. I was angry at the fact that because of this unwanted invasion, I would have to change the course of my life for a while in order to change the situation.
But after the initial shock, then comes the reasons for doing this. Mine were almost all based on love. A love of family. A love of friends. A love of life and a desire to live that life in the best way I could no matter what! These thoughts cleared the clutter of anger from my mind and that anger was replaced with the reasons that I wanted to win this and as such because of the foundations of my reasons, the anger was replaced with love.
And I believe that the vibrations of love can move mountains within us if we let it. After all, love is such a positive and powerful emotion within us that it can turn all other emotions like anger into nothing but a memory.
So really it’s within all of us to make that peace with ourselves and turn what could seem like an endless fight into something much more manageable. To see with our hearts rather then just our minds. To mend the wounds that were inflicted on us by our own reactions when we discovered that we had this deadly virus or even when we discover that we might have to live with it forever.
The true key to taking our lives back from this monster is to see past the negative and look instead to that bright spot within our hearts that is always there, burning like a diamond within us. A diamond that can do many wonderful things for us if we just reach out to it and let it consume us. Let it comfort us and in the end by living in the realm of love rather then anger, we really can change the way the day looks to us. The way the week looks to us. The way the rest of our lives look to us!
Have a wonderful week my friends,

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