It's not about taxes its about out of control spending of the United States Government .. Who's money is it .. isn't it the peoples money, the tax payers ? Please Uncle Sam tell the people how much money you sent to other countries ... Please tell me how much money the gourmet cooks make at the white house ? Can you please tell the tax payers it cost them over a million dollars a day to run just one battleship at war ? Can you please tell the people this war will cost the tax payers for the next fifty years ....Tell me how many people are waiting on Social Security ? How many died waiting ? and why are so many lawyers sucking up money off the social security system Why because your denying about 80 percent of them ..Instead of paying the people their social security you have lawyers filling their pockets with the working people's money ? Why do so many foreign people get all the help they need as soon as they cross our border .Can you tell me Mr Sam have you ever taken a pay cut . do you know what its like take the last bit of change in your pocket to feed your children . I don't think you have. and lastly can you tell me where my tax money went , because I would rather feed the hungry here in the U.S.A The Union Man ... Our government has sat back and watched all the business owners and presidents / CEO of large global companies, destroy our Unions . Ship our jobs to other countries trade agreement my ass, How did all the Americans let our government slip this by us? ( ship the stuff back where it came from ) .. if its made in korea, china or japan !!!! Is this just me, but every time i touch something made in Japan it falls apart . Only American made clamps or duct tape can fix it now ? No way , shape or form am i bashing other countries.. This is geared toward the United States issues and the tax payers have no control period. All you get is one vote . Guess what ? it doesn't matter the majority rules . So for the next four years take it like a big boy !!! read the truth i'm not going to sugar coat a thing .. My language might be a little disrespectful . i carry no degree no phd just plain old common sense .. It sure seems like our govermment has none .. once again you can practice all day on a speech .Your speech is written and practiced over and over ...and you even have people help you write it ..oh my and i'm suppose to believe you and give you a vote .. Well now after this 2 hour long debate ... my thought's are who's a better liar .. Forget the real issues who is telling the truth .. They don't call them head spinners for nothing .. Its a mans world well i'm not niave but ... The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex."..Women did not vote till 1920 ... The truth is knowledge of foreign affairs is a daily issue with the President of the U.S.A ... after his lunch now let talk about war and economy ..interest rate of the so called feds .. Federal Reserve is to safeguard the stability of the United States’ financial system. .. in case of any crisis the usa can borrow money from them also ..remember the George bush bail out Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 300 bucks 600 bucks for the married are going to keep me out of the poorhouse not ? I'm just a union man UAW and proud of it . Daniel and "Hep C Out Of Bounds"
" Out Of Bounds"
It is with very deep sadness that I come to you with the news that my co host of the last four years has passed away unexpectedly. His name is Lou Buratti and he has done more for the hepatitis c community than most ever think of doing. He will be missed by thousands of people that we have helped over the years. We both defeated the hep c virus and were a very positive force in the hep c community. This loss of life as we know is temporary as we will meet again in heaven at a later time. Lou Buratti was a very intelligent and caring man, and absolutely the most wonderful person I have ever been blessed knowing. I will continue our dream of loving and supporting anyone going through the journey of treatments and making sure that quality of life is the best it can be for you the hep c sufferer. His life will always be remembered and cherished because he was one in ten million, and he gave everything he could to helping others. He is now a legend and I will carry his torch f...